
Why the hell was this movie made? More importantly why the hell does anyone like this garbage? the monster was a completely whiny bitch!


Because .. he was smarmy. Every one likes the whiney smarmy monster guy. Plus, he smoked cigars.
Oo Pretty cool in my book



To convey a message to the public. To show how some branches of the media function in corrupt ways. To express Hal Hartley's misanthropic views.


Duh. To show that he wasn't really a monster, in spite of his looks. Haven't you seen the many, many, many other iterations of Beauty & The Beast?



It always cracks me up when I read comments like this... I mean, of course 'most worthless' is purely subjective, but if it's honestly the most worthless movie you've ever seen, you've had REALLY good luck at the rental stores.

I like Sarah Polley which is why I picked it up. I thought the monster cussed a bit too much or, more specifically, his cursing seemed to be out of line with his generally nice speech and voice. Unless that was intended to show the contrast between what he was and what he wanted to 'project' that he was.

Overall, not the worst movie ever... but FAR from the best.

Worst movie I've seen in the last month was Wendigo. A few of the worst movies I've ever seen: Anacondas, Rocky 5, Children of the Corn 4, Highlander 2, The Remnant.


yeah this movie was pretty pointless. I mean there's all this rave about it being an 'art house indie flick' but seriously...its really stupid. The acting is terrible, the monster is just...stupid. you dont even feel sorry for the guy. the girl beatrice, seriously looks like she's 12. there honestly is no point to this movie whatsoever.

like a bed of roses, theres a dozen reasons in this gun.


This movie was on (regular) tv this Saturday afternoon. It's actually still on as I type this. Watching the first part of the movie where the young woman is rescued and put in the hospital...I thought maybe it was a movie about the aftermath of the plane crash she was in...how she dealt with recovery/complications from the surgery/lived her life after that. I also wondered why the doctors didn't use anesthesia. I'll have to watch this movie over again (if I have the urge lol, but doubt it). It's a weird one is all I have to say about it at this point.


What kind of a sad life do you have to have to actually stop watching in the middle of a movie - that you aren't even sure if you like or not, by the way - to get online and write a comment about it on the IMDb??? A comment just saying that you're watching the movie??!!



yeah this movie was pretty pointless. I mean there's all this rave about it being an 'art house indie flick' but seriously...its really stupid. The acting is terrible, the monster is just...stupid. you dont even feel sorry for the guy. the girl beatrice, seriously looks like she's 12. there honestly is no point to this movie whatsoever.

Yeh she did look about 12. Right up until she's in that BDSM outfit! Yowza!


I only watched the last 40 minutes of this show. What a waste of my time! I only kept watching because I really thought it couldn't possibly get worse. I was sadly mistaken. The story was stupid, the acting was lame, the ending had no imagination at all. Hated it! But that's just me;)


Everyone has been talking about the movie as a whole, but I want to bring up the ending. I was SOOOO let down by it!! I needed better closure than what it gave me. What the hell happened exactly!??? I thought I was gonna get a seizure from watching the flashing lights on Beatrice's face. I kept watching cause I wanted to see what happened to the monster....but it just cut me off!! How horrible....the ending means everything in my book....so my advice...don't watch it....especially if you wanna know what happens to the characters.....tsk, tsk :(


Ditto. I was waiting to see if the make up was gonna fall of and they would live happily ever after! I thought Beatrice was boring. Maybe the monster's last sight was her idiotic face? Better off dead! I thought the editing of the commercials was bad. Gotta find something else to do on a rainy saturday afternoon.


Horrible movie. Unlikeable characters, one of which heals from
a life-changing injury inexplicably fast. The monster had
no redeeming qualities. I'm all for a misanthropic perspective
on the world. Curmudgeons are funny. This movie wasn't. It's
tone was consistently all over the place, and it had no idea
what it was trying to say (other than the media is bad...real
original). Fans of this director will certainly laud it to no
end. Why? It's intentionally obtuse and lazy, because the
director knows he has a loyal cadre of fans that will dissect
it for him. Nothing is thought-out here, and I don't even think
the director worked hard on it.

A waste of time, an insult to intelligent viewers that WANT
to like it and think about interesting movies...too bad it's
just not an interesting movie.


I watched the movie from the part where she meets the monster at his place... I found interesting their dialog... pretty cruel when he gets a shoe from a pile of bones... but then he goes out and the movie got fuzzy... what keep me watching was Beatrice... pretty trash that part where the kitchen tries to feel her... lol


Oh my, how this thread is filled with fussy people, the sort of mirthless cnuts for whom the term "Hollywood Ending" was invented! If you need to have everything spelled out for you, why the hell would you watch a movie from this director, a movie which has a reputation as an "art-house monster movie"? And it's really unfair to blame the MOVIE just because YOU couldn't figure out what happened at the end. It is not the responsibility of the filmmaker to hold your hand until the closing credits and make sure you "get it". Pay attention. All the answers are there. And when you're still dissatisfied, don't worry: Joel Schumacher or Michael Bay will have another crapfest waiting for you in the theatres any day now!

Ooo, baby, your domestic gross is SO BIG. That's how I know how GOOD you are!


hadmatter, you just summed it up perfectly. What's the point of a movie, or book, or any piece of art if you don't have to think for yourself? People that say they don't get it so it sucks have no idea what art is. Also, this movie had a pretty straight forward ending if you ask me, they show Beatrice walking up towards the monster as he's in the machine, so they are looking at eachother. Then it goes to a shot of her face, so one could assume you are seeing through his eyes. Then it just goes black. Well he's strapped in to a Matter Eradicator so lets put 2 and 2 together, IT WORKED AND EVERYTHING JUST GOES BLACK FROM HIS POINT OF VIEW CAUSE HE IS NO MORE. at least thats what I saw. But treat it like art and form your own theory


i gotta join in with hadmatter and solidluigi...

the tone of this whole thread seems to come from those who can't wait for the next remake of either a movie or a t.v. show made into a movie.

i only caught the last half-hour or so of this last night, and i thought it was a neat modern twist, where the real monster is played by helen mirren--that's the impression i got anyway, coming into things so late...

i thought the ending was fine. the monster was going to die...this much was clear, that was his objective, and the girl made sure that her face was the last thing he sees. there's your romance people!

to the o.p., and those who share the viewpoint of the o.p., i'll just say that there is much more to life than CGI and what popular opinion tells you to watch.
