Totally lost on me!

I paid attention, and tried really hard to understand this movie, buttttt, I just can't! Like, what were some of the people's secrets, anyway? How did Joel lose his sight and randomly just start getting it back? Why the hell did they all laugh at the end!? (I would have been pretty pissed!)
And, just... what!?! Please lay it out for me.
I'm not an idiot, but this movie was just right over my head!


Naw bro,

you didn't miss anything. It was that bad.


The first guy, the now homeless guy- he was a doctor who allowed his sister to get unsafe implants
The lady in the black dress was a lawyer who let a rapist go free who raped the young blond girls sister. The victim committed suicide.
The older blond was a porn star or freak at least-
those are the ones I remember
Oh- and the doctor was the handsome blond dude- he was a drunk and a woman died on his operating table
