Hard as Nails

The Episode where Alley Langford goes to Gotham to get healed, and she ends up getting roped into a scheme with Ivy and Harley Quinn. Whenever she faces an "obstacle" in the beginning a song plays:

"Stay one step ahead of the game
get one shot take your aim
and you will make it"

AAANY idea what that song is???

"Anything you say can, and will be used against you."


I think the show created it's own songs for episodes and characters.

Don't tell me what I can't do!


I hate to reply and not have any answers... But I do have one thing to say that might give your Soul some Solace...

I have been wondering the EXACT same thing for all these years now! I have run countless searches on the internet to find out if this is a real song or not.

Alas, it seems to be that episode's 'specific song' that so many of them had. Much like the other guy said. Apparently, that portion of the song and as it is used I believe another time or something during the ep, is Allie's Theme.

Unfortunately the music was never released - ANYWHERE. Which is sad really, because a full version would be gladly accepted by at least 2 people lol.

It reminds me of a song that Pepsi used to have on its website. I emailed them about it and they claimed it was just done by their ad people. Thus there was never going to be a release and in order to hear it, I'd just have to listen to it loop indefinitely on their site. Unfortunately, they eventually took it down and replaced it with another as time passed on. They have never had a music ticker or anything to play past songs either... It was amazing, had a awesome bass-line beat and was all-consuming.

My point, we can re-watch the Static Shock episode Hard As Nails - as many times as we desire (even youtube has copies I think) but some times we will forever miss out on some songs out there. Another great example is... To the best of my knowledge and hours of searching, there are no listings for ALL the music or even some of the music used in the CSI Trilogy. Allot of that Techno and Trance and other music is really amazing, mind blowing even. But unless someone somewhere recognizes a song or two, no one ever posts about it. The last episode of each of the shows had one particular song in them I tried to track down earlier tonight. Each song was good, but alas... No info exists.

Anyway, what my post was really about and the solace I mentioned comes from this:


There are others out there suffering the same way you are, wondering and searching for songs that don't really exist, or other songs that no one seems to know the name of at all. Perhaps one day there will come a time where maybe the vocalist that sung this song will release a full version. I think it is sung by a girl/woman... But one can never quite tell these days lol. Anyway, the song itself starts a bit early in the episode but doesn't REALLY start until 2:05 into it. So if you want to hear it once again... Head on over to:


And at least you will have some enjoyment. :)

