The Ryan Drummond era!

Obviously this game marked the Ryan Drummond era who became famous as the new voice of Sonic The Hedgehog.

Robert Bruce Harrison


Yeah Ryan was awesome..too bad the cast were replaced by the crummy sonic X voiceactors :(

nWo 4-Life! Halloween Rules!(The Holiday)


yeah in the sonic world this probably is the end of the Ryan Drummond era.

Robert Bruce Harrison


Well' the Sonic X actors improved overtime, and none of the Drummond cast will ever return. EVER!


The 4kids cast aren't ever going to return either.

What now?


I know they won't return, yet some people believe that Ryan will. I'm sorry, but Ryan has zero talent.


Yes,this was the game that created the Ryan Drummond era,cuz this is the first Sonic game he was in!

~Je ne sais pas rien à propos ça~
Dark Kikyo!


AKA, the dark and evil times. A majority of these actors are completely overrated (Knuckles, Amy, Tails). And BTW, Drummond didn't start out perfect.


"the dark and evil times"

You slay me.


Ok, did you create your account for the sole purpose of stalking me? If so, that's even lower than what you hold against me.
