Hollywood Jew-pocrisy

I overheard a conversation at a coffee shop this afternoon. Went like this. Thought it was interesting. The guy called it Jewpocrisy(is that a word?)

How come American History X was pretty much blackballed at all the Awards shows back when it came out, when even Robert DeNiro said Ed Norton was an incredible talent and should of won an Oscar, but wasn't even nominated. And Norton's career never really did take off and has pretty much been a supporting actor in a string of indie and so-so movies YET Ryan Gosling, who also played a skinhead, and has seen his career ascend to the point where just then other night he won a Golden Globe Best Actor award!

He said "you know why?, I do"

Because Ryan Goslings character was REALLY A JEW in the movie and Norton's character was Christian, a Gentile.

In The Believer, the main character is Jewish(like so many REAL NAZIS were including Hitler(Google it)) but he eventually came around and even saved peoples lives and protected the holy scriptures, so he is ok with the Jewish elite who basically run the business of making movies. But Norton's character in AHX was not and perhaps Hollywood felt it GLORIFIED Nazis(even though the movie had a great anti-skinhead message). SO he was sort of black-balled by the studios. A promising career never took off.

Norton is a great dramatic actor. Better than Gosling. But his career was stigmatized by being a non-Jewish skinhead.



Well, nearly one year later, still worth commenting on after seeing the film again.

The Believer isn't particularly well known. It was released in '01, shortly before the WTC attack, & didn't stay long in the theaters. Its protagonist has a degree of ambivalence audiences don't generally respond to.

Also, as a Jew myself I'm not especially fond of apostasy, so were they real people I'd probably be more sympathetic to Ed Norton's skinhead than Ryan Gosling's turncoat.

Still, it is incredible that in a motion picture a character actually knew the difference between "kidish" & "Kadish".

I've heard many reasons for Norton's career not really taking off the way his talent suggests, but playing a goyishe skinhead is sure a new one.

Ps: chicken in included in g'di forbidden to combine with milk as a rabbinic prohibition to prevent accidental mixing of dairy with meat thought to be fowl, but actually not.
