MovieChat Forums > Before Night Falls (2001) Discussion > The last scenes...... help needed....

The last scenes...... help needed....

Does Reinaldo die natrually? If so, why later Lazaro put a plastic bag around Reinaldo's head and seems he try to suffocate him. So the question is, whether Eeinaldo is dead already or not yet when Lazaro does it? and why Lazaro..., is it just because he's sad or something....

and plus, at the very last "scene", when there's just voiceover and some subtitles on screen, as neither of them are in English, I can't get it at all.
(actually I'm not a native English speaker. So maybe I still can't get it without English subtitles even the voiceover is in English .) Will someone be kind enough to give me a copy or a translated version in English? It will be greatly appreciated.


From the timing of the events--the 1980s, and the signs of Rei's illness (weakness, swollen glands, oral thrush, night sweats, nausea, facial lesions resembling Kaposi's Sarcoma), it appeared that Rei was HIV-infected, and was dying of AIDS; it was never spoken or written-- it was up to us to make the assumption. He made his lover promise that he wouldn't die in a hospital. Then he (Reinaldo) gave him some envelopes for family, friends, and the press, and asked him to read something to him. As his friend read to him, Reinaldo slipped into unconsciousness, and did not wake when prodded. So his friend suffocated him to be sure he was dead--there was a brief struggle as the organism formerly known as Reinaldo instintively fought for his life, then his arm dropped and we see his lifeless hand hanging there.

As for the voiceover and subtitles, I will get back to you on that, after I watch the ending again.


Lazaro was not his lover, he was his friend.

Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...


I watched the ending again.

I noticed that Reinaldo told Lazaro that the plastic bag (which had I love NY printed on it) was important, and I realized he was asking Lazaro to assist him in finalizing his death.

After the death, the following poem appears on the screen:

"I am that unlikeable child
definitely unwanted
with the round dirty face
who before the giant street lights or
under the grandames also illuminated
or in front of the little girls
that seem to levitate
projects the insult of his dirty face.

I am that angry and lonely child of always,
that throws you the insult of that angry child of always and warns you:
if hypo critically you pat me on the head
I would take that opportunity to steal your wallet.

I am that child of always
before the panorama of imminent terror,
imminent leprosy, imminent fleas,
of offenses and the imminent crime.

I am that repulsive chld that improvises a bed
out of an old cardboard box and waits,
certain that you will accompany me."

I hope that helps you.
It certainly helped me---to see that poem again.


Thank you for posting the is so incredible.


thanks much for the poem. When I saw the movie several years ago this closing poem had struck me deeply- but from the English subtitles I recall something to the effect of I am the child of always ...... begging for a nickel at the corner" Did you notice anything about begging for a nickel when you looked at the ending again?



I remember that line from when Lazaro was reading to him just before he died.


Where can I find this poem, is it published in a book, perhaps one by Arenas? Thanks for the help. I only got to see the ending but I want to see the whole thing, it looks really good.


I found it on this page:


Who's saying that the director "changed" the ending? Reinaldo committed suicide with sleeping pills and alcohol in real life as in film (watch the ending again and you will see). A possible "help" by his friend Lazaro wouldn't be verifiable later, so it also wouldn't be official...


He was not helped, he committed suicide own his own because he had AIDS. The movie sucks. Read the book, it was published in 1993 3 years after his death. The book is far better than the movie.................


Reading about the ending made me cry again.

The fact that Lazaro would do that for Reinaldo - essentially put Reinaldo out of his misery by ending his life - shows how deeply he loved Reinaldo. That is so moving.


I agree, good ending. Very moving!

