'the tongue'????

So I remember watching this show a few years ago, and I only remember about 2 scenes from an episode, i think it was called "the tongue".... there's some guy who goes camping and sees some other guy/or group camping that freaks him out.... and then at the end they show a man driving away in a car and on the passenger seat there is a jar holding a tongue???? I remember being absolutely terrified by this when it aired (though at the time I was probably only about 11).... can someone fill in the blanks please!!!!


Its a segment called "Quiet, Please".

Story: Wanting to escape the maddening noises of the city and reports of a serial killer, Gerald retreats to the wilderness for some R&R, only to find himself being stalked by an unruly camper, Ben.

Ben and his dog constantly annoy Gerald, following him even when he tries to get away from them. Unfortunately, Ben soon discovers that Gerald is the serial killer from the city, and meets a grisly end.

As you said at the end, it ends with him cutting of his tongue


The episode you are referring to is called "Quiet Please" and is episode six in the anthology.

Gerald is sick of the deafening noise in his apartment and on the news he hears nothing but bad news [spoilers] including news about “The Weekend Serial Killer” who cuts off people's tongues. [/spoilers] So he goes on a weekened vacation to the woods, where he meets a strange, creepy little man [spoilers]who seems to be stalking him. The man is always flashing weapons in Gerald's face and talking about bears and dead animals, and Gerald keeps telling him to go away. Finally Gerald has a nervous meltdown and cuts off the man's tongue. The episode ends with Gerald leaving the forest, looking neat and clean with a tongue in a jar of some clear liquid sitting next to him in the car.[/spoilers]
