Open Ended? Comedy?


I never got to watch this show, but have found copies. But I'd like some advice, please, before watching.

Firstly, I'm trying not to read specific spoilers about the ending. I get that it was cancelled, so there was never an absolute, intended, finale. But opinions seem to differ as to whether there is any satiscfaction. A couple of post I've read seem to have contradictory opinions. One suggests at least one element is left deliberately open-ended, but with a hint of where it might go, while someone else seemed to find the show's ending simply infuriating. So is it mainly stand-alone episodes with continuing threads in the background, or is it really a completely continuous story which is just left hanging? The latter, I have to be honest, infuriates me.

I'd be grateful for any opinions.

Also, IMDb lists one of its genres as "comedy". I'd have thought that was over-stating it a bit, but I'd guess there is at least some humour. However another poster suggested that too many episodes with a tragic tone may have led to its demise. So what sort of tone does the series have? Is it relatively light, pretty heavy, or a comfortable mix? And if the last, which would be my guess, is the mix between lighter and heavier episodes, or a mix of humour and drama within each, perhaps along the lines of, say, Crossing Jordan or even NCIS? Any suggestions for series comparable to this might be a help.

Well, if you are still reading, Thank You! And I'd be grateful if anyone could offer any thoughts, opinions or advice or any of these issues.



Hi there,

I haven't seen this since it was aired on Dutch television a few years back. i remember recording it back then on VHS but unfortunately taped over it in error.

I thought it was a wonderful series but not really that comical, being quite dark at times. I remember it vividly because it was the first time I encountered David O'Hara, who plays the Irish cop Danny MacGregor, since his part as Stephen in Braveheart. Fantastic actor who for whatever reason has been pigeonholed into gangster roles of short duration while having more screen charisma, especially as he's gotton older, than many of the "stars" he has played against. Lynn T was sorely missed after her tragic demise and whilst Craig T. Nelson did well with an easy "look at me" character something was missing, although Jean Smart as his wife was excellent.

All I can say is if we had the opportunity we would buy it but our only hope is to record it from CBS Action on Sky TV once back in the UK if it still airs then.

Cannot understand why it was not available on DVD - the same as another wonderful show, "Boston Public". Loved that too. Hope you manage to see The District. Would be intested to know what you think of the show.
