MovieChat Forums > Boston Public (2000) Discussion > Half the cast would have been fired by t...

Half the cast would have been fired by the 1st episode!!

Principal - slamming a kid into the locker suspected of bullying another student.
Teacher 1 - bringing a gun to school
Teacher 2 - not being fingerprinted (In fact, teachers who are hired agree to be fingerprinted)
Assistant Principal - Asking another teacher out on a date (boss asking coworker)
Teacher 3 - a teacher off her meds...nuff said

This show is HORRIBLE. It makes me laugh how inaccurate it is.


Not in a ridiculously understaffed school like the one portrayed in this show. You're also forgetting this show took place 12 years before your post and before the "everybody is special and gets a trophy" generation.
Never mind the fact that the teacher's union would block most of those firings besides maybe the gun issue.


Uhh... its a show.. if it was all pleasant with rainbows and unicorns, no one would care


Assistant Principal - Asking another teacher out on a date (boss asking coworker)

Why would he get fired for that? Most establishments do frown upon that but they don't fire people for it. If a relationship sparked up they might say the teacher might need to be transferred to a different school or something but they wouldn't fire him/them.

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