
Yeah, it's a crap remake, I'll grant you. The original was a brilliant (if a bit long-winded)statement on society and politics. This one is almost like a parody of it. BUT...I enjoy this film like I do a good cartoon, ya know? Like an episode of the original Jonny Quest or Space Ghost. I'd heard before hand that it was awful, so I was really surprised that it entertained me. And IMHO, it does do a fair job of skewering the "anything for ratings" reality TV phenomenon. And it is by no stretch of the imagination the worst movie I've ever seen. "Battlefield Earth" still holds that coveted title followed closely by an oldie entitled "Howling 2: Your Sister's A Werewolf". I must agree that the night vision sequence was terrible, though and that silly cartoon BOYOING was inexcusable. The sound FX man should never work again. Unless, of course, he knew he was basically working on a live-action cartoon and did it intentionally.

Think about it. If you were observing this nutty planet, would YOU want to make contact?
