MovieChat Forums > Rollerball (2002) Discussion > if possible. would you give this a '0' r...

if possible. would you give this a '0' rating ? YAY or NAY

i finally found the worst movie i have ever seen.

a big YAY from here.


I'd give it 2 zero's.




In fact, Iwon't vote on this movie, because a 1 is too high.



I think you have to vote to do your service to the community. You HAVE to give it the 1, because that's the lowest available on IMDB's scale!

I can't believe I made it all the way through this film. It's AWFUL. If not for the fact that I think Rebecca Romijn-whatever is a total hornbag, there would not be a single redeeming feature. It's atrocious. Staggeringly bad. Worst I've seen.


Definitely YAY !!!

Omae wa mo shinderu


I really just don't know if I could live with myself if I gave it a "1" rating... seriously... IMDB needs to add a "0" and negatives rating, because this movie deserves it. Quite simply the worst piece of cinema ever viewed by this poster... I don't even remember if I watched it through to the ending. I cannot even remember anything that happened after the nightvision scene... I was just in awe. I could not believe I was watching something so god-awful... and directed by John McTiernan... ugh! This is the guy who made Die Hard for f--k's sake! This film is absolutely unbelievably bad. But I'll give it the "1" it does not deserve from ANY rating system... I'm not going to sleep tonite, I know it...


Terrible movie but there is one scene i enjoyed, when the players rebelled. More of a 2 for me.





i watch alot of so-called B-Movies and most of them are alot better than this.


YES it is that bad, and worse. A zero would be to high of a score buy YAY give this garbage a zero.





i gave it a 10


It definitely isn't a good movie, but it kept me entertained. Certainly isn't the worst movie I've ever seen, although the decision to shoot that chase scene with a night vision filter was amazingly stupid...makes me wonder what the $100 million budget went to. I think I gave it 3/10.

Looks like you forgot to take your anti-retard pills again.


Disaster movie is far more worse than this movie.


I could only give it a 3 which is closest to the current average, because frankly, I don't really remember any of it.

When I saw this back in 2002, I had taken a really cute girl with me and I ended up making out with her the entire time. I did occasionally come up for air to see what the hell was going on.

My friend was pissed that I had a good time and he was stuck watching the movie cause his date didn't put out. Can't remember the girl's name anymore, but I can't give this movie a 1 since I did have fun.


if it was possible to give a zero I wouldve definitely.

A movie like this certainly deserved it.

God the stupid boing sound when they broke through the fence stays with me whenever I see this listed on HBO


There is so many "worst movie ever" posts on IMDB and I think most of the people writing them have never saw movies like "Manos: The Hands of Fate" or "Monster a-go-go" or even anything by Colman Francis. This movie doesn't approach those (because, mainly, the technical staff actually used a working camera and knew how to edit) but it certainly is really, really bad. And it just does a horrible disservice to the original movie.
