MovieChat Forums > Rollerball (2002) Discussion > Hollywood Does it Again.

Hollywood Does it Again.

.............They took the the sci-fy classic "Roller Ball" (1975), about the danger of run away globalization and the tendency of totalitarian states to use blood and circus to distract their citizens, and remade it as Eastern European roller derby. Stop Hollywood before they remake again.
TAG LINE: True genius is a beautiful thing, but ignorance is ugly to the bone.


Perfectly said! Horrible movie.


If they remade it a 3rd time, history says it'll be a great movie.
Take the Hulk series. First one, good movie. Remake, bad movie. Remake-remake, GREAT MOVIE.


Nah the plot is simply so bad it can't be made into a good film...


This over produced skateboard movie should just be junked and ignored. The original had so many social themes working, and given the state of things today, there is plenty of room for a serious take on a Rollerball film. But, the character of Jonathan E is critical. Much like the Exorcist saga, Part 2 is dismissed entirely. Part 3 was more cerebral and intellectual, the twin "prequels" were a bit goofy, but I preferred Schrader's.

Today's controversy over media violence vs. real life violence, and our obsession with violence as escapism, offers very ripe territory. This is McTiernan's directing low point.

I hope there is another attempt in a few years, but it loses the "Gen. X" mentality. The first Rollerball was nihilistic and "matter-of-fact" in its violence. This deserves a serious "reboot" if studios remain obsessed with the fad.

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.


I was bored and was channel-flipping and decided to watch some of this. It's so horrible, not even Mystery Science Theatre 3000 would ever use this film!!!
