Meaning of the Title?

Can anybody tell me?

"If you should encounter god on your way, god will be cut."
Hattori Hanzo


Old men in new cars


Thank you, you`re a genius.


Actually, he is. C'mon, the title really tells it all. It's a movie about the same "Old men" from the first film, driving in "New cars". There is really no deeper meaning to the title, let alone the film itself. Don't overanalyze everything.


"Old Men in New Cars"
I think because Harald get's the Mercedes in the end and because it's the same crew in a new movie...

"In China They Eat Dogs II"
Watch the first part "In China They Eat Dogs" - it's gets mentioned in the movie...



I think it has a double-meaning. First one is just as "square eyed marfis" wrote above. Second reason could be: It's also mentioned in the film, when the prisoner (Ludvig?) visits his dad (Munken?) in the hospital. Well, Munken gives Ludvig the advice to find a woman to not end up old and loneley, just driving around in a convertible or so.

Just a guess. Have a nice one!


Huh... and I had such a hard time finding this film, too, since I only saw it in Russia on late night tele under the title "Hit the Gas"
