His Best One

Yep I think so.


i haven't seen him perform better on anything ive seen



agreed. best one.



I saw "you are all diseased" on dvd but all of his material is good...I always like it when comdians like George Carlin, Bill Maher,Bill Weems, and Chris Rock tell us the truth...but with a funny twist to it...


its my favorite carlin stand up (this and back in town).

and its still relevant today. and hilarious, of course.

"Initiative comes to thems that wait."


I prefer YOU ARE ALL DISEASED, but this is a close second!
I don't mean to impose, but I am the Ocean.


It's right up there with his best for sure.

"Beverly Hills has a brand new restaurant specifically for bulemia victims - it's called The Scarf & Barf. Well, they weren't gonna call it The Fork & Bucket. Thank God, good taste prevailed."

My official blog: http://cinetarium.blogspot.com/


Is this his best? Damn... This was so uneven - some parts was awesome and some parts, like the airplane-bit, should have gone straight to the bin. I was hoping for better performances than this, since he's always compared to Bill Hicks, but I guess that's not going to happen.
