Okay, I know the topic looks like spam but I assure you, it isn't. Was anyone else being driven crazy by this one person shouting extremely loud? I loved the jokes but it was irritating to hear the shout.


Yeah, it was this a-hole in the front row with his hat on backwards. White, of course. Then Carlin talks about how he hates white guys with their hat on backwards. I wonder if Carlin made that up on the spot to shut that guy up.

Personal motto: What Would Jon Stewart Do?


In the trivia it says he did in fact make that up that backwards hat bit on the spot because that particular guy was annoying him. Carlin, you were the man.

Creasey's art is death. He's about to paint his masterpiece.


That was funny. I also noticed that screaming annoying guy. The trivia also says: "After Carlin makes the joke the same guy can be seen standing up from an aisle seat and screaming angrily at George." which would have made it even funnier, but I didn't notice that. It's possible that I missed it, but they did film him, or at least someone with a cap, and he didn't seem to take it that bad.

Anyway, it's impressive that he could just improvise that right on the spot and make it a natural part of his act. That part was delivered just as well as any other part.

"What does it do?"
"It doesn't do anything. That's the beauty of it."
