
I have seen a lot gay movies in the last few months but none has had a twist. All gay movies that I seen very much follow the same pattern until this movie. It is not of the same quality and caliber as gay movies like "Beautiful Thing" or "Yossi and Jagger", but I was impressed with the ending. A very dark and eerie movie which takes a completely turn from the sad and soapy AIDS movies (rightfully so, not criticising them, especially when AIDS has been so devastating to the gay community). The movie is played by two very sexy hunks (straight). One guy is gay and the other straight (curious) who makes the fatal mistake of having sex once with a man getting infected with the HIV virus. He, in turns gives it to his wife (all of these scenes are flashback which make the movie more eerie). The husband is out for revenge and captures his only encounter, terrorizing him while his blood test come back for result. He tells his captive that he will be killed if the blood test comes back positive (it is positive). He doesn't, he lets him free. He takes the board off the windows. And the final scene is the gay man being bathed with surreal sunshine, almost divine. Sweet revenge. Moral of story, you gave it to me, now you carry the burden yourself.


I just saw the movie, it is not really clear in the movie about who infected who in the movie. It could be completely the other way around, based on the fact that the wife is the first one of the trio to have the symptoms(swollen glands etc, 5 years before the husband even gets daignosed with Hiv), she could be the one cheating on the husband and she is the one who gave it to the husband and the husband might have been the one, who gave it to the gay guy. Just based on the timelines mentioned in the film, I would tilt more towards the opinion that the wife gave it to the husband, and the gay guy could have gotten it from the straight guy or any of the guys he had encounters over the years, the more the number of partners, the more your chances of contracting the virus, I do how ever completely disagree with your moral of the story(Sweet revenge. you gave it to me, now you carry the burden yourself.)of course every one can make their own conclusions and draw their own morals of the story but I was really surprised to see many posts here that kinda of still projected this as a gay disease that a straight guy gets because he is unfaithful with a gay guy, though the whole point of the movie was to drive across the point that a straight male or female can get get it from an other straight female or male respectively as easiely as two gay guys infecting each other, lets face the facts guys, any one leading an active sexual life is at risk, and remember u can practice safer sex, not safe sex, so if u r active sexually, do get tested on a regular basis, so that if u r infected, u can find out and start taking the medications, i beleive they work pretty good nowadays and can keep u healthy for a long long time.


You are correct it was never made clear who infected who, and it was done for a reason. Depending on point of view depends on how got infected first and passed it on.

This was done intentionally to make the viewer think.

And as you mentioned, about the wife. Given the level most viruses progress (and asking my father who is a Doctor) I seriously think she was the one who who had it first and passed it on.

In the play they kinda hint that she did have it first gave it to her husband, but the husband being to kilt ridden for cheating on her with a man that he blames the man he slept with.


> "It could be completely the other way around, based on the fact that the wife is the first one of the trio to have the symptoms(swollen glands etc, 5 years before the husband even gets daignosed with Hiv),..."

She wasn't showing symptoms 5 years before the husband. She had only recently started showing symptoms, went to the doctor and found out "24 days" ago (the title of the movie) that she was HIV+. She died in a car crash that day and that's when the husband found out that he is (most likely) HIV+ himself. The "5 years ago" thing only has to do with when the 2 guys had sex. As far as the symptoms go, people can show signs at different times. It's not like signs show up automatically after X amount of time.


yeah it was an interesting movie, nothing great but still a 6

I Worship The Goddess Amber Tamblyn


rolo13- ever hear of spoiler warnings?....
