? and Karenin

There was a woman who sort of attended to Anna, but I don't know who she was. She had a cleft in her chin, was blond and around 40ish. Did she have a crush on Karenin? It sure seemed like it. I'm half-way though the dvd.


I haven't read the book, so I don't know her motivation -- but yes, that is the impression I got, that she was "in love" with Karenin and saw his estrangement from his wife as a way to insert herself into his life and be useful to him.


Thanks! I finished the dvd last night and she definitely had it for Karenin, but it seemed to take a weird route -using religiosity as a motivation to get him to do what she wanted -I think her name was Lydia. At least that's what he called her at one point.


Countess Lydia.
