Who liked this movie?

I liked this movie, it was funny and dealt with real issues. I give it an 7/10!


I'm only about 1/2 way through but it's captured my heart. The acting may not be the best, but it's emotionally solid. Every character adds something to the whole and that the costuming was actually accurate for the 70's made it feel that much more real.

While I'm watching it on TV, I plan on getting a copy on DVD, or downloading it somehow - finding a copy for my little girl. When she gets older it's a movie I want her to sit down and watch. She has a wild side and we're worried that she'll turn out like the friends in this movie. Hopefully she'll see something in it that touches her as it has touched me.

Sorry I sound so 'new age-y' but this movie brings it out in me. Or maybe it's the low cut hippy pants I'm wearing. Never can tell!


Never regret the things you've done, only the things you've dared not do.


My daughter does and I was a bit taken aback when she was watching it and I overheard a conversation about blow jobs. Oh, well, they don't stay young forever.


