The Book

Has Any1 eva read da book? Da book wus Hilarious


I remember reading it in elementary school. Actually the teacher read it to us since a serious lack of funding made it impossible for us to have more than one copy. I don't really remember much, except snickering whenever i heard the name Mars Bar mentioned. What i do remember is enjoying it very much.




In 6th grade we read a part of it (the part with Maniac meeting Mars Bar and living with the girl). Than I found out that we had the full book. I read it and I liked it but I prefered the movie's ending to the books.


Yes, the end of the movie was better than the end of the book. The book just ended on a cliff hanger. Jerry Spinneli should write a sequal.


This has been one of my favorite books since I was a kid. Not just because my name is Magee, either. It's just a great book. I've never seen this movie, though.

Pygmies! - Matchstick Men


i agree, this was one of my favorite books growing up.


OMG Yes! I loved that book! Haven't read it in years...But I do remember reading it. Lots of good memories..


I read this book a long time ago, maybe ten years ago. Wow, I'm kinda old. Anyway, I really enjoyed it even though I didn't understand it fully, probably because I was really young. I should read it again.



i dont think it was supposed to be halarius.. it was sad and dramatic


I didn't particularly like the book and the movie. The book was okay, but I wouldn't read it again.

See ya in Happy Pony Candy Rainbow Land!


I bought the book way back when I was in the 8th grade (1992) at a book fair and loved it! Never even knew there was a movie until right now. Maybe I'll catch it one day, but seeing as I loved the book as a kid I bet the movie won't be what I remember loving.


I think it could be interpreted as hilarious. A boy disappears and nobody seems to look for him. The church scenes were funny and the Finsterwallies... lol

I loved the book as a kid and growing up, I still love it. I'm 22 and I've read at least once a year since I was a teenager. It just helps puts things into perspective for me. Maniac Magee was/is like my literature hero.

'tis all.



One of my all time fav books whenever i would read it .I'd envision myself watching a movie version of the book.

"Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain"
