Destroyed Paintball

Normally I am an avid supporter of paintball in any form it takes in the media, seeing as I used to tour on the NXL circuit, but when I see people playing paintball without loaders or tanks it just strikes a cord in me. also the guns they were firing have a stock speed of 3 BPS (Balls Per Second) and the sound mix had them at 9 BPS.
Now on with my finishing remarks. I think this is a good movie for my little nieces and nephews to watch, because it is clean and funny. but PLEASE do research before you film something. The snowboard/paintball scene could have been so much cooler.

TY all for kinda listening to me. lol.


I agree. The movie was entertaining. but it seemed like a low budget movie made in way too little time with no effort.

If they would have done it right, it could have been amazing.
