Good movie

I thought this was a good movie for having a small budget, and I liked the story. I don't see why it has such a small rating.


You're joking right? The Blair Witch Project, Halloween, Dead Birds, Cube and I could go on, are far superior and all done on a low budget.


Well see i thought it had a good story. I'll admit that the blonde haired chick sucked, but the main girl character was pretty good.


Oh come on. The script was heavily flawed.

* The writers didn't even do their research. Taking an xtc pill as painkiller??? What a joke. Everything drugrelated in this movie was completely rediculous.

* And I saw a dead guy blinking.

* Leaving the cabin was the stupidest thing ever for obvious reasons (easier to defend, more weapons)

* If the priest was in of it, and tha sheriff wasn't, why did the priest take them to the sheriff in the first place? He knew he'd have to kill him. Plus, that was stupid.

* If the girl in the white dress was one of them, why did she kill one of her own?

* The acting right before the big explosion ws terrible.

* The priest had plenty of time to jump out of the way of the car.

* The last scene completely failed.

IF you want to see GOOD no-budget horror, watch The Evil Dead (the original, not the remake soon to be made).


Sorry, but in addition to having unlikeable characters and, weak acting and no real story (apart from the whole teen slasher thing), Devil's Prey was just plain creepy.

Sorry, guys, but I give it two thumbs waaaaaaaaaaaaaay doooooooowwwwwwwn!

Brother Maynard, bring forth the holy hand grenade!



I don't know...
it wasn't that bad, for a small budget that means...
but it wasn't amazing.
you know?



I think this movie touched as good as any genre there is to touch. And it didn't touch it in a good way. Drug parties? Done. Slaying teens? Done. Teenage drama? Done. Crazy satanists? DONE. Slutty blonde girl to keep the guys from falling asleep? Done a million times over. And did anybody notice the Sopranos-feel in the last scene? Yes, they even took a *beep* all over mafia-genre.


>Oh come on. The script was heavily flawed.

In what sense? The cult stuff? Nope, cults exist and they do abduct teens quite often (go look up Mexican drug cults).

>* The writers didn't even do their research. Taking an xtc pill as painkiller??? What a joke. Everything drugrelated in this movie was completely rediculous.

The drugs were a painkiller substitute. They were only used (or alluded to) as painkillers following the accident because that's all the drug dealer guy had. I'm assuming that if drug dealer guy had Tylenol then they probably would have opted for that instead.

>* And I saw a dead guy blinking.

Didn't notice that.

>* Leaving the cabin was the stupidest thing ever for obvious reasons (easier to defend, more weapons)

They were outnumbered and barricading themselves inside really wasn't an option. If they stayed, they were doomed and if they left, they were doomed.

>* If the priest was in of it, and tha sheriff wasn't, why did the priest take them to the sheriff in the first place? He knew he'd have to kill him. Plus, that was stupid.

It was a cover to buy the group some time, plus the priest sensed that the sherrif wouldn't really go digging. He was wrong. They had to distract the teens long enough to get things set up but by then the sherrif was on to them, and their operation.

>* If the girl in the white dress was one of them, why did she kill one of her own?

Watch the scene again closely! The guy was blabbering, unknowningly alerting the teens to the direness of their situation, plus there was a chance he could have given her identity away, so she finished him off.

>* The acting right before the big explosion ws terrible.

Yeah, it was stagey but they had to give the actors distance to get the shot. I've seen this in lots of other movies (anything by Michael Bay) and I thought it looked kinda cool here considering the tiny budget.

>* The priest had plenty of time to jump out of the way of the car.

Go see Vantage Point, LOL! The Priest probably could have avoided the car but, remember, he was all burnt up and stuff and was a little distracted trying to kill somebody. His 'deer in the headlights' reaction was probably on par with what most people would have done seeing a car charging at them at 70 miles an hour while they are, with 3rd degree burns, trying strangle somebody.

>* The last scene completely failed.

I thought it totally worked, in that it provided one last jump scare as well, it helped set up a sequel if Bradford ever chooses to go in that direction.

>IF you want to see GOOD no-budget horror, watch The Evil Dead (the original, not the remake soon to be made).

Evil Dead is overrated, by a long shot, and Bruce Campbell is a huge dick. Sorry, I'll settle for Devil's Prey.


Yes, this is a horribly written movie. No, it isn't the worst movie ever. Twilight is. Lol, but seriously, I saw worst. I actually love crappy low-budget horror films with an ok or good cast. So, despite its crappy dialogue and predictable plot, it's in my movie collection.
