Who killed the dogs?

Who killed El Chivo's dogs?


Octavio's dog.


Which would be why he was so mad at Cofi. Ok, it all makes sense now.


At first, I didn't realize the black dog had killed them either, until he pointed the gun at it. Then I remembered it's a fighting dog and must've just gone nuts, when left alone with the others.


Are you kidding with this question?


Yeah, seriously.




No, they commited ritual suicide to catch a ride on the Hale-Bopp comet.


Blackie killed all the dogs, he didn't play well with dogs, if he was a dog killer, Octavio used Cofi (Blackie) to fight other dogs for money, So therefore Blackie doesn't play well with other dogs because of his previous owner


I couldn't work it out either! I don't think it was obvious , I thought it was gangsters


OMG... Really?? Then why was he so mad at octavio`s dog? and if it was gangsters, how come octavio`s dog wasn`t killed?... dude, that`s worrying... Never go full retard kid..
I believe in me. I'm a little screwed up but I'm beautiful.


Some people are so incredibly stupid, it baffles me.


Yeah, I thought the people that had paid him to kill the guy had done it, because he was taking too long, haha.


were you really watching the movie or just killing time with popcorn?what a stupid question...


1- Chivos enters the house;
2- He found Cofi. The dog face was blood dirty;
3- Dead dogs all over;
4- Chivo gets mad at the dog;
5- We remember Cofi history as a invictus dog-killing-machine;

It was pretty obvious.


Yes, Octavio's dog Cofi killed all the other dogs. This is one of the bitterest ironies of the film. El Chivo saved the dog from the car crash, and nursed him back to health. Chivo was trying to do something good - maybe one of the few good things he'd done since getting out of prison.

And then Cofi turns around and kills all of Chivo's other dogs. You can't even blame Cofi, because that's what he'd been trained and conditioned to do.



I agree. I thought that was a really interesting parallel the writer chose to add to the films.

That and the theme that the dogs were the only ones in the movie capable of genuine love and loyalty.


It's not just that. When Chivo is about to shoot Cofi because 'You don't do things like these!' he realizes that's exactly what he does being a cold blood killer. He sees himself in Cofi and that's the moment he decides to restart his own life.

Great comment!


Being an absolute canine hater myself, it was hard for me to stomach this movie at first but then I thoroughly enjoyed it because only a dead dog is a good dog...


"Mozart is a great composer, sir"


But why were the doggy sleeping ?


You sir are terribly retarded, did you know that?
