Horse sliding?

Can anyone confirm if this is the movie where a horse is slid under a flatbed?


I think

Killer tomatoes forever

Proud regular of Spidey 2 vido game.



Two minutes in.


its terrible though. it looks as if they hurt a lot of the horses. they just didn't care about animal abuse in the nineties, apparently.

Circle down to circle together with this living man I am one who descends; I mean to show him Hell


I'm going to play devil's advocate here.

-We don't really know how many horses died or suffered for this film (although, it is apparent that at least a few suffered; which is reprehensible)
-Cows and Chickens are killed all the time for buffet tables, for movies to be made.
-Is a horse's life more important than a cows? Why? What about in Indian culture?
-Should this movie be slandered even if it demanded the suffering of a dozen horses? Many classic films are highly regarded even though they have killed and tortured animals.
-Is the fact that this was filmed in the 90s making the violations of animal rights worse? Indian Animal rights are behind the times.

I suppose I just find it odd that people would be getting so upset about a movie from 20 years ago, as though it was filmed last week. I hate animal cruelty as much s anyone, but do we really have to ruin a hilarious and wonderful Indian classic, just because of 20 year old animal abuse?

