Dead Souls

At this point, you don’t really care about being in the carnival anymore. “You want to just head out of here?” You ask your date.

“Sure I guess, I really wanted to go on that hayride, but oh well; maybe the next carnival.” Your date replied.

“As if we’ll still be dating. I’m just trying to get laid.” You thought but didn’t say. You just took your dates arm and headed off the carnival grounds and back home. Once you got to your dates home, you did some more small talk and then kissed goodnight before heading back to your home.

The next morning, when getting some errands done, you hear about some gruesome murder that occurred in the carnival. “A man and a woman were found murdered in the apple orchard behind the carnival grounds. Apparently, they went on a joyride on the apple orchards owner’s tractor, destroyed it and then abandoned it in the middle of the orchard.” One of the gossipers was saying. “They were found, hanging from a tree, that’s what I heard.” She continued. You begin to wonder what would have happened if you ended up going on that hayride.

So you decide to go back to the carnival, get a closer look and maybe help out the police. When you get there, you see the bodies being carried away in the stretchers with the police interviewing the carnies that worked there. One of them tell the police of two people who closely resembled you and your date asking about a haunted hayride. Then they were last seen going into the orchard on a tractor. “What?” you think as you ask yourself what is going on. You tried to approach the police, but as you got closer, you got a better look at the two bodies that were being loaded onto the ambulance. You notice one had the same clothes on as your date. Then it hits you all of a sudden. Flashes of memories begin to burst into your head. You remember the hayride, running through the orchard, you remember the twisted clown with the messed up teeth running after you and your date with an ax as he laughed in a cold shrill way. And then, as clear as day, you hear it again. Like daggers piercing your ears, you hear that cold shrill laugher and you know, it’s the laughter of the man with the twisted teeth.



Petty good

