'Uncle' Rusty

Does anyone have their suspicions about "Uncle" Rusty?...
He only appears in a couple of episodes but he's such an odd character for a series like this...Is he just the outdoors type or what?
Don't flame me here but I think he might be a positive gay role model....There's just something about him....I can't put it in words.
Father Bear, with the exception of the episodes that Rusty's in never mentions him....Maybe he's the brown sheep of the family?
Pity no one's ever done a family tree of the Bear clan...Might be interesting.


I'm pretty sure Uncle Rusty is an outdoors type. He mentioned in one episode he travels all the time and all he needs is his tent and of course the necessities. He probably has a camp area he calls home.

And well, like in real life you don't mention your siblings every chance you get. He's a Fisherman and I'm sure he's more out at sea than the series lets us know.

Uncle Rusty is just a very friendly and gentle giant, I don't think he's homosexual or anything as you seem to suggest.
"Interesting." - Little Bear


Yes, I recall Uncle Rusty telling Little Bear that he lived in the woods and slept under the stars in the episode when they build Emily and her grandmother a house (this is also the first time Little Bear meets his uncle).

Although I don't necessarily think he's meant as any kind of gay character, I wouldn't be surprised if they did incorporate such a thing into Little Bear. It's always been a fairly open-minded series - notice they observe the solstice rather than Christmas, for example.


idk but to me he seemed morel ike the serial killer type like hes hiding a secret.



I think Uncle Rusty is a vagrant with a drinking problem that was ousted by the family, and he lives in the woods because his family is tired of his shenanigans.

"If you can't say something nice about anyone, come and sit by me."



After watching the episode where Rusty comes and babysits Little Bear and friends I believe that Rusty is a pedophile. However in all the other episodes Rusty comes off as the wandering wild man who hasn't settled down yet.


I'd say you were right on both counts.
I still like him and wish he were my "uncle"....Heh heh!


No? I'm gay and I never though that haha. That would be cool if he was though, he's a unique character. Maybe you just find him attractive lol ;P


Indeed he is unique!
Ever watch Franklin? MS. Koala strikes me as lesbian. There are subtle little hints there too.


Haha yeah I watched it every now and then but I can't quite remember that character.
