Great film

Loved it.

"Guys like you don't die on toilets." Mel Gibson-Riggs, Lethal Weapon


I'm glad you enjoyed it. I was mightily impressed by my first viewing, especially the way starts out simply as a road movie, but hints at heavier themes involving Mexican politics, mortality, sexual identity, wrapped in a coming of age story.

I feel like I need to watch it again to see if it's really as good as I remember it being.

~ I'm a 21st century man and I don't wanna be here.


I just watched this for only the second time ever and found I liked it a lot more than I did. I don't know why, I think when I first saw it I was just not paying enough attention and wasn't in the right mood to watch something like this...but for whatever reason, I appreciate it much more now and look forward to returning to it as well, over the years.

I know there's a whole thread dedicated to whether people outside of Mexican culture can really get this film, but I think that's part of its beauty. It creates a nice balance of being specific to one culture, but universal in its themes. I definitely connected to some of the messages it was hinting at and I'm pretty far from being Mexican haha..but that's one of the reasons I like it to begin with. It kind of opens those who aren't Mexican up to its world, but at the same time really just being a story all humans can understand. And I just feel kind of sad for anyone who sees this or thinks of this as some sex film because they're missing out on all the other great stuff that's packed in there.
