Very Impressive but.....

if someone i knew from jr high (and i had "loved" them at the time) came up to me now, I would remember that person. esp if the name was as rare as owen. the fact that it took so long for her to get it was a bit too much, but i know why they did it.

also, in the beginning we see owen fail to come with two separate girls, ie implying that sexually he was scarred too.

although gabriel mann is young and didnt have the chops cheadle has doesnt mean
he isnt good. i thought he nailed it.

"Eddie, come with me...It will be the afterlife, you dont have to look for work!"


Sherry had lots of brain damage though, from the alcohol etc.
And he wasn't failing to come, he was coming too fast. I didn't really like that part.


My take is that Sherry blocked out the details. She was at the house to see Owen. The memories are buried so deep that she does not even recognize him when he is playing the tape she made him. As for Owen's sexual dysfunction, I took it that he could not keep arousal and complete the act. Especially when he apologizes to the intern and she says they both are a little bit drunk.
