MovieChat Forums > Moonlight (2002) Discussion > hmm .. question abt similar films?

hmm .. question abt similar films?

Does anyone know of any films that are similar in style and content to this one?

Popular opinion for this movie has only been so-so, but the trailer looks so amazing. Since I am myself a teenager (of course older than Claire and the boy) I was more emotionally attached to the characters. I also found the idea of using children as human packaging both heartbreaking and interesting to watch. Both female and male leads seem to be talented actors. Unfortunately I live in the US but not in LA/NYC and I do not think Moonlight will be released where I live. Are there other movies you can recommend?


Saw the film today and right away I felt it was a lot like Tom Tykwer's Heaven.


I doubt you will ever read this since it's seems you haven't posted in quite some time however should you read this I came up with a few films that might be available that you might also enjoy.
1.Christiane F This film may be harder to find but I know it's available on netflix. I watched this film when I was about 16 and it was gut wrenching. Its German dubbed in English. Its about a young girl just turned 13 and she becomes a heroin addict and a Hooker. She also has a very serious relationship with the male character Detlev. This film is definitely more powerful to watch when you are younger as yo can see how easy it is to be taken into the life of a drug addict in such a short amount of time. Not the best synopsis, though I highly recommend it.

You also might enjoy "My own private Idaho" and "Drugstore Cowboy" both films I watched as a teenager and fell in love with.
Another favorite is Paperhouse, nothing to do with drugs, but a complete psyco-drama. I still love this film.

I thought I would be able to come up with more but my mind went blank when I began to think of more films that you might enjoy. If you do read this and would like some more ideas, send me a private message or respond here I'm sure i can think of a few more films that are really good to watch as a teenager.

*beep* Luck
"I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals. " S.W.C


This film kind of reminded me of Lovers of the Arctic Circle and Viva Cuba, both of which you can get from

Also, Maria Full Of Grace.

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those are great suggestions
