a cliche

this has become some kind of a cliche, that college girls have lesbian relationships while enrolled in college, away from home I suppose, only to "turn straight" after. is this even true? how many college girls really have lesbian sex?

my vote history:


It happens because their not in the watchful eyes of their family; they feel more free to be who they are. All of us has deep hidden secret that we would never act on in our world. But if we go far away i bet we would try


Well, I guess this is really a question for a sociological research...

my vote history:


I saw a lot of girls experiment with other girls in college, sometimes it was done to excite/attract guys and sometimes it was just curiosity.


What's the point if there are guys in the dorms?

my vote history:


Steve_2 -

sometimes it was done to excite/attract guys and sometimes it was just curiosity.

You may be right but you've overlooked the most obvious reason - some women really love women and the attraction is based on just that.

...........Hate is the essence of weakness in the human mind...........


@ Steve: Research shows that women tend to have a fluid sexuality, moreso than men. However, bisexuality doesn't mean that you feel the same way about both sexes. A lot of women seem to be only sexually bisexual. Heck, even if they PREFER women sexually, they still might prefer guys romantically. That doesn't make them any less bisexual, imo. Also, don't forget that we live in a very heteronormative society. Bisexuality is much more fowned upon than homosexuality.


Yes, they ALL DO IT.


Agreed. It's a very common (and accepted) practice within all-girl schools.


I'm sure some girls do flirt with bisexuality (as do some guys--but that's less socially acceptable). It's always been like that.

However, there are these media-created "trends" like "cougars", "friends with benefits", etc. where the media focuses on things that have ALWAYS happened and it becomes a little more prevalent for awhile. I blame this particular one on Katy Perry, but she is hardly the first girl to write a song about kissing another girl (there was another song EXACTLY like that in the 90's). And I'm pretty sure back in the 70's Lou Reed, Iggy Pop, David Bowie, and Mick Jagger did more than kiss some other guys (I'm not including Elton John here because he is obviously just flat-out gay). I'd actually like to see some pretty-boy male pop-star admitting to bisexual experimentation. That would be a lot more brave than Katy Perry doing it.


they weren't in college. they were teenage girls...


Believe me, it's 100% true, they're all at it. I've seen extensive video evidence.

There were three of us in this marriage


That's actually very common and natural. If you like cliches, there's also the sleepover one, where girls kiss each other training for boys and lesbian experimentation lol

In reality, women have a evolutionary/genetic predisposition to bissexuality, it's because when females are together they can raise their offspring more safely and increase the chances of success of their offspring, and unlike in Humans where we have civilization and the capacity to rationalize, males in the animal kingdom usually aren't very friendly to the offspring of another male, a species where it's very obvious are Lions, males will usually kill the cubs of a female so she can get pregnant of his offspring and continue his genes instead, among many animals species males are enemies, and are needed to protect the group from other males. Primates aren't very different. Females are much more prone to homo/bissexuality than males, it's in the female DNA.

That, plus the fact that in an all girls school, in a age where their hormones are exploding under their skin and they're discovering sexuality, they can't see boys for most of the week and they're surrounded by girls everyday, it's begging for homossexual relations.

I'm actually the living proof that this cliche is real, my sister was caught kissing another girl in the bathroom of her school and my parents were called by the principal for a "talk" lmao, society can't accept it, but it's just natural.

To sum up, cliches became cliches for a reason, they do happen in real life, very often..


I went to all girls schools during the ages of 14 and 18 and I can definitely say, that's what happened to me. I noticed girls more, how attractive they were, during the years of my sexual awakening to be surrounded by girls. I did fall in love and like Paulie with Tori, my feelings towards this girl were unwanted, she wasn't horrible, just stated she could never love me like that.

So I find this movie incredibly true to nature and behaviour.


This was high school - and the thing that I loved about this movie was that sex or experimentation wasn't at the center of it - it was love and longing . not erotica or being into it to turn on the boys . this movie was a little before that trend anyway
