MovieChat Forums > The Forsaken (2001) Discussion > Forsaken References the Lost boys?

Forsaken References the Lost boys?

Now, I know it definitely has the Lost Boys theme going on, half vampire, trying to find main vamp...the girl...and the car... But, Where does it specificially mention The Lost Boys?

I saw on the IMBD page it references The Lost Boys. Is this just theoretically - or did they actually say "the lost boys" in the movie? Because I just watched it, and I did not see it.


Oh, hell. I love The Lost Boys. I also love Johnathon Shaeck and was looking up his movies when I came across this. I read the synopsis and was immediately like, "Oh god yes! This is right up my alley! A newer Lost Boys!" Maybe they referenced it discreetly. Like you have to watch LB first then watch this. Idk though. I'm going to find me a copy as soon as possible! When I watch it I'll come back and tell you if i noticed anything. :)


I dont think Lost Boys is the main reference, other than the 'vampire hunter' angle, but the screenwriters were definitely NEAR DARK enthusiasts. But the NEAR DARK gang ' DIDNT NEED NO STINKIN' DAY DRIVER!'and even with NEAR DARKS moments of 'jeeez', it was leagues ahead of this crap.

"Pffft, my suspension of disbelief has higher standards than that"


I think the tag line or the dvd cover said something like "The sexiest vampire movie since The Lost Boys."
