
Um....What is the main story in the movie? And what is Haley Joel Osment and William Dafoe's character in the movie. I really ant to watch this movie and I'm gonna rent it..but..why is it rated R......Cause I could only watch an R rated movie if the reason for it isnt to bad.And..I know for many of you this might seem stuipd..but whats a holocast?..



The film is rated R because it deals with horrific events during World War II.
The Holocaust, the slaughter of six million Jews (and four million other 'inferior people') by the Nazis is not actually depicted but it is the background of the entire story. This is a disturbing film but a serious one, well worth watching.

(The word 'holocaust' means a tremendously destructive fire and used to refer to a sacrificial burnt offering - but when capitalized it now always refers to the Nazis' attempt to exterminate the Jews.)


Thank-you very much but I have somethign else to u see the girl get raped,or anyone having sex or getting raped?...or touched or anything like that?


Not explicitly though it is clear what is happening. No naughty bits are displayed.

But really ... would you avoid viewing a depiction of real and momentous events because somebody in the film dropped their pants? Or said a naughty word? What pathetic criteria :-(


Hey ender, can't you tell Narnia lovr is a kid? Couple of big clues: "Cause I could only watch an R rated movie if the reason for it isnt to bad.And..I know for many of you this might seem stuipd..but whats a holocast?.. "

Don't call the kid's criteria pathetic!


That's a good point. He (more likely she) is clearly young. But I would hope that thoughtful youngsters would realize how trivial such matters are when compared to the really terrible things people do. Then perhaps they could educate their parents to realize that too.


Movies rated "R" are supposed to be seen only by people ages 17 and up. I would agree in most cases, and I do also in this one. It's not a matter of sex and violence ... there isn't all that much in this movie, compared to much of the (inferior) stuff that's out there today. Rather, it's a matter of being able to understand what happens in Edges of the Lord and why. Most people ages 16 and younger simply wouldn't "get it" and therefore would be wasting their time seeing a complex film like this.


"Most people ages 16 and younger simply wouldn't 'get it' "

That may well be true of 'most people' of that age -- or many people of any age -- but that is no reason to deny all people of any particular age group the right to find out for themselves whether they get it or not. Or do you think it is the job of the nanny state to protect them from spending their hard-earned cash on films they might not understand?


I'm not sure what you mean by "the nanny state," and I don't have the time, energy or desire to get into a prolonged political debate here or elsewhere. But, movie ratings are a fact. And, if a film is rated "R," there is usually a reason. In this case, I would guess it would be "strong thematic elements" rather than graphic sex and/or graphic violence -- neither of which are prevalent in this film.

I've just noticed, during my time on, that a lot of people are going to many films without understanding what they are about -- either before or after seeing them. This happens most often with films of a complex nature, such as this one, or Pan's Labyrinth, or Boys Don't Cry, or Monster's Ball, or Brokeback Mountain. I can tell by the misguided comments they make and the naive questions they ask. And I think that, more often than not, the younger a person is, the more likely he and/or she is to not be able to fully benefit from a film such as this. I know I wouldn't have when I was a teen ... and I was an honor student from kindergarten through graduate school.


I would have no objection to ratings if they were advisory rather than mandatory.

Could we agree on that?


I saw this movie at fifteen and, while I thought some parts of it were very weak (chiefly the accents and some of the adult actors) I mostly thought that it was an intelligent and moving piece. Just saying...not all teens are "unable to grasp" this film; it's less a matter of age and more a matter of emotional maturity and intelligence, in my opinion. I know many adults who would be put off by the "rape" scene and some of the more off-color aspects of this film and be unable to see its true meaning.

An R-rated movie is not "not meant to be seen by those under 17," it's just required that those seeing it (in theaters) have parental guidance. It's much different than NC-17, where that is the case.

To the OP: I recommend you not see it. Not knowing what a holocaust is, I think, is a sign that you should wait. Quite a while, perhaps.


I would disagree. I think the OP should discuss with his/her parents as to whether they feel the subject matter is appropriate. And I think that not knowing what the Holocaust is, this would be a step towards learning, as would a viewing of Schindler's List among several others, again provided that the OP's parents feel s/he is ready for this type of material.


just a quick question, cause i haven't seen this movie yet but i'd like to, but how would yall rank this movie as "disturbing"? is it like Saw 2 disturbing or like the Sixth Sense disturbing? cause there's only so much disturbing i can take, lol, i get anxious too quickly and too much. but i really wanna rent this movie cause i just watched AI and HJO is such a good actor and i'd like to see another good movie of his.


If you have read the earlier postings you should know why the film is disturbing. It deals with a disturbing subject: the Holocaust. The film is emotionally intense. If you can take that, you should by all means watch it. (Haley Osment was indeed a fine actor - so it is all the more surprising to see him upstaged in this film by an even younger one.)



Hi, I wrote this post way back when I was just a kid, I'll admit. I now know what everything is and means, I lust liked the actor back then. now I'm more interested in the movie because of its content. I was native with the questions I asked back then.

"Jack, I swear"
-Health Ledger, My Hero-


I think it's important to specify here that the rating a movie gets is just the beginning. Because of the narrow guidelines of the films rating system - and the tremendous financial implications of anything R rated or higher - the industry demanded, and received, an additional "sub-rating"system to assist viewers in selecting appropriate content: So, now they not only added NC-17, but each movie is rated with the following options: ie: V=violence, AC= adult content, L=language, S=sexual content, N=nudity, and there are more. Honestly I don't have them memorized, but you get the idea...
The intent is to help us know just why and what reasons the rating board saw in the film that helped them and for us to know if the rating is primarily for violence, sex, language, etc. But keep in min that All of this is Someone Else's Judgement and there's no substitute for your own when dealing with your own children and knowing what they are mature enough to understand and what might be alright IF accompanied by a parent who's there to Discuss the material with them before, during, and after the film! THAT is what I consider Life Lessons, and this film is an Excellent Life Lesson for Us All!
