MovieChat Forums > Edges of the Lord (2001) Discussion > Too many WWII movies have ...

Too many WWII movies have ...

Germans who speak English and non-Germans who speak English too. I like the realism of hearing the inflection of the German language from the troops in the Warmacht. Polish people didn't speak English either, but if Romek is from Poland, then he'd be unlikely to Speak any German (certainly his friends wouldn't).

Band of Brothers, Saving Private Ryan, Europa Europa, etc got the language issue right. It makes for a much better film. Imagine a small boy being yelled at in a language he doesn't speak. That's what it was like.


Becasue most Americans can't be bothered with "readin" during a movie. I have watched literally hundreds of foreign films (almost all on DVD) and people will get on my case because either the disc has no dub or there is a dub and I won't watch with the dub on.

Plus, the vast majority of American actors suck at accents and speaking different languages, and I think I'd rather just watch them speak English then muddle their way through another language.

"Action is how men express romance on film." -- Kurt Wimmer


I hate these arrogant posts that attempt to put people, especially Americans, down for not reading subtitles , implying that that type of viewer is dumb and beneath them.

I suppose there are some benefits sometimes, but mostly I want to pay close attention to facial expressions, clothing. And surroundings or locations. You can't do all that and read subtitles?

Have you lived in a foreign country? If so them you know that many movies are dubbed into that foreign language for the viewers. Incidentally, I saw that movie about barfly with Micky rourke and Faye Dunaway in German and it was much better than in English, the original soundtrack language.


Well partly to your point, I know it's not just Americans who don't like subtitles, but I've encountered more Americans who not only don't like to read subtitles, but don't like to read period unless it's on the internet, and sometimes not even then.

Feel free to call me arrogant for being annoyed at people who are allergic to reading no matter what country they come from. And Barfly isn't exactly a masterpiece so I'm not too surprised the German track was better, but in my personal experience, dubbing almost always sounds ridiculous and fails to capture the emotion of the actors which I can usually detect even when I don't understand the words being spoken.

Don't try to cash in love, that check will always bounce.
