American remake?

Since this is a popular Japanese "horror" movie, does anyone else think that it has the potential to get made for an american audience? Honestly, i really want it to happen, just because i thought the original was hilariously bad (in a MST3K way) and that making an american version of it would make it even more preposturous.


finally someone else who thinks this movie was bad. my friend recommended it to me and I thought Uzumaki must be really good, but I was halfway bored and then disappointed. that was not creepy or scary... it was unintentionally funny, in my opinion. XD and now, after I read the manga by Junji Ito - I dislike it even more.
Everyone should read the manga, it's SO much better. Mr. Ito is my hero.

ich dreh am rad, ich dreh am rad
ich dreh ich dreh ich dreh ich dreh am rad


I agree. I read the manga long before I even knew the movie existed, it's a fantastic Lovecraftian work of art.

After renting the movie and watching it, I just felt disappointed and confused. I think the only thing I said was "gah" and never thought about it again, until now!

"I can resist everything except temptation."


Amen on the hilariously bad.
I found myself confused and laughing out loud throughout most of the movie. I don't really understand how anyone could possibly take it seriously...


I have only seen ONE good American remake of a Japanese Horror flick (which seems to be the "in" thing these days)...The Ring.

All else have sucked so bad it's despicable. In the "Americanization" of a lot of these films, the producers, writers, and directors miss sooooo much of Japanese horror culture and superstition that I finally gave up watching any Americanized Japanese flicks.

The scariest movie I have seen in a long time is Ju-On. The Grudge remake was...well...pathetic.


no one in america wants to see a horror movie about spirals.

"Movie catch phrase!" -Classic Movie



I thought it was so bad I turned it off. I've only ever done that with two other films. That fckng scientology horsesh!t film Battlefield Earth, The Brown Bunny and Plan 9 from Outer Space. I watched them both because I thought I was hard enough to take it... I wasn't. This film is on a par with them. Although I do intend to read the graphic novel. Ah yes, and The Devil Wears Prada. Really, you should choose seppuku rather than watch this offering of bile!
