Alice In Wonderland

Is Alice in Wonderland an influence on Uzumaki in any way?

did anyone else get an alice in wonderland feel? this has probably been mentioned before but anyway....

interested to hear anyone's thoughts about it

i guess there are quite a few spiral moments in alice in wonderland as well...the caterpillar smoking away....alice going down the rabbit hole...spiralling down....dreams....drugs...etc...

anyway right from the beginning with the girl saying i'm gonna be late...i thought of alice in wonderland and there was a fairy tale quality to it...and with the wind blowing like she was blowing into a dream or something like that



I think the biggest relevance to Alice in Wonderland was that it was relatively confusing. It was really just a very bizarre movie. There aren't so many these days, which would make it understandable to relate it to one of the few others out there, but I don't think it was their intention to make it like Alice in Wonderland in any way.


drugs in alice and wonderland?

I must of have missed the scene where alice dropped acid.


not sure if you're serious but since you brought it up...

(of course, many know Alice in Wonderland is a favorite sugestion for visuals)

Besides the smoking (nicotine is a drug) it's very easy to pick up on the sugestion of drug use. Eating and dring things to change Alice's perspective if not her actual size. Also, she is easily convinced of things said to her by the characters she meets. At first she questions the reality of it but as it goes on she accepts it as true. Very impressionable because of the affects of the substances she has consumed. And I believe it's mushrooms (like the one the catapillar is sitting on) not acid.

Okay...back to the original comment.


I hadn't thought about that before now. I do see why you mentioned it.
It has a lucid dream feeling like Alice in Wonderland does.
I saw it about two years ago and have recently wanted to see it again.
I agree with other comments about it being disturbing. It was the first movie in awhile that made me curl up in a ball while wathing it. I loved it. One of the people I watched it with noticed that there was no musical soundtrack used to add to suspention of it or to startle the viewer. It definately didn't need it.

Again, I have to say, I love this movie.


Unless there was some overt in-film reference that I missed, it would be difficult to say (without asking the director) if "Alice In Wonderland" was a conscious influence. The fact is there is an entire sub-genre of films and books in which a single character looks on while the world goes mad about them: this motif is probably older than Alice, and represents a sort of archetype for any imaginative person, who might feel they are the only sane person in a world gone to hell.
