MovieChat Forums > Uzumaki (2000) Discussion > Has anyone here ever had those Uzumaki f...

Has anyone here ever had those Uzumaki fishcake rolls?

I mean, I'v seen them a couple times in anime, and only once in a movie, namely this movie, but what are they like? Are they sweet? Sour? They look alot like a candy.

Stan: Oh, My God?! We Killed Kenny!!
Kyle: We're Bastards!


I imagine the spiral is fish and the rest is pasta-like (I'm thinking shumai), because they have to be able to maintain structural integrity in hot miso soup. No doubt they take on the flavor of the miso. Probably really good!

The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.


It's pretty tasteless by itself, so it's better with soup or soy sauce. You could think of it as pasta....


coool. There's a japanese restaurant here called "The Laughing Buddha" and when I go I can ask if they have miso soup with spiral fishcakes! (although I'm kinda nervous trying new foods)

Stan: Oh, My God?! We Killed Kenny!!
Kyle: We're Bastards!



i want some. they are pretty! lol.

"Happieness, something in my own place. I'm stood here naked and smiling I feel no disgrace"


They are like crab sticks, but just more patterned, don't taste of much as people here said, you do get them in some good Ramen though.


yeah, it tastes like the miso soup or whatever you put it in, if you heat it up by itself and eat it, it won't even realy taste like fish. they actually have more flavor when fried, rather than boiled in the soup, but its still good


it's what chinese people call tembula

my pingying sucks, forgive me

yes, it is tasteless

it sucks in flavor from soup, or sometimes u use flavoring if it's part of one of those hot pot luck things (i don't know what those are called in english either)


=3 I've had them a few times. I'm not quite sure how to explain the taste...but it's alot like mushrooms. It feels like mushrooms too. I like them ^___^


TASTELESS! similar to noodles


Tasteless like everyone says, they usually serve them with soup based noodles...

they do look wacky tho... but tasteless


Weirdest thing... we went to a Japanese restaurant last night... and they were in my gyoza soup... needless to it totally creeped me out to see Toshio slurping them up.


Gyoza soup? I frequent a few different Japanese restaurants in my city, and I LOVE gyoza, but I've never heard of it being served in a soup. Is this a fusion dish? What kind of broth (is it like the soy/vinegar dipping sauce you get with gyoza dumplings? I might ask around at some restaurants here, if it sounds good.

As for the fishcakes. Yes, they essentially carry the taste of the soup. It's about the texture, really. Chewy pasta or even mushrooms, or hard tofu that you sometimes get in miso soup (I like the meltier stuff better though) are good comparisons.


they are narutos

pretty much any japanese place that serves ramen puts them in there. however if you've had regular old chinese or filipino fishballs, they are exactly the same thing, except in ball form and without the fancy pink spiral inside.

