The mirror

Does anyone have an interpretation about the significance of the mirror Shuichi's father took with him when he got into the washing machine. As I understand it was removed from a lake an old cult used for their worships. There was also something about its pronunciation in Japanese being similar to another word or something. What's that about? Thanks in advance.




The Japanese word for 'mirror', 'kagami', was mentioned as being identical to a reading of the kanji for 'serpent' (I think), one of the reading being 'kagami'. It's never really mentioned if there actually *is* a connection there, aside from the mirror in the washer, or if it was just a coincidence, but there you go.


But what's the significance of the 2 words being identical?


Like they said, "It's never really mentioned if there actually *is* a connection there, aside from the mirror in the washer, or if it was just a coincidence, but there you go."


He had the mirror in the washer in order to see himself becoming a "spiral" or uzumaki.



Read my earlier post for a bit of info that explains the mirror/snake connection.


If you freeze frame the reporter writing in his notebook, you can understand what it means when they say "mirror" and "serpent" are pronounced the same.

In Japanese the word for mirror is "KAGAMI", which is written as 鏡。

The word for snake in Japanese is "HEBI" or 蛇。

In the reporter's notebook, he writes that the ancient pronunication for the character 蛇 is "KAKA" or "KAGA". I have never heard of these pronunciations, but in Japanese language it is very possible that a character had an old pronunciation that is no longer used. The character "身" means body, and is pronounced "MI". The character "目" is eye, and pronounced "ME".

In his notebook, the reporter tries several theories (KAKANOME, KAGAMI, KAKAME) to try and match KAGAMI.

So, according to the reporter, "KAGAMI" can mean "mirror" or "serpent's body"


Okay here goes. The cult of snake god worshipers used the mirrors in rituals or something or other. The mirror was found in Dragonfly pond (Kirie's father was affected by the clay he used from the pond that had absorbed mojo from the mirror). The reporter discovered a dialect or something in which mirror is pronounced kagami and so is snake however they use different characters (symbols). So there is the connection between snake and mirror probably why they used mirror in rituals for snake god. The mirror Shuichi's father uses was his mother's. It had been found in Dragonfly pond. He puts it there because it is the thing affecting his spiral curse. He wants to become part of the spiral and be with the mirror so he puts it in and gets in the washer.

Remakes suck.


Or maybe he just wanted to watch himself turning into a spiral...

