MovieChat Forums > Uzumaki (2000) Discussion > Most breathetaking/suspe nseful and real...

Most breathetaking/suspe nseful and really scary horror films?

what are the most breathetaking/suspenseful and really scary
horror films you've ever seen? But these movies should have
nightmarish atmosphere and a lot of unexpected acts and plnty of
unexpected things in the plot.Besides these movies should have
tragical/dramatical moments.So pls list some.


Possession (zulawski)
Neighbour 13
The Nameless
Carnival of Souls
Seance (aka Korei)
Suicide Circle (keeps changing - has irrelevant stuff which you assume is pivotal to the plot , excellent stuff)
Naked blood - not just a gore film but one with intelligence
Ghosts...of the Civil Dead
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (original)
The Trial (Welles)
Save the Green Planet (maybe not a horror but always original)
Long Dream (Higuchinsky - uzumaki)
Tale of Two Sisters
Abre Los Ojos
The Brood
Bad Boy Bubby
Fear X
The Addiction

you manage to watch half of these and you will ALWAYS believe in the horror genre ..... good luck and let me know what you think

"Gran'pa was always tha best...."


Just to throw some in:
Pulse (aka Kairo)
Session 9
The Bunker
Don't Look Now
The Hunger
Night of the Living Dead (original)
Dementia 13
The Devil's Backbone
The Eye
Devil's Rejects (this isn't 'scary' I suppose, but it was really disturbing, especially in the cinema)
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me
My Little Eye
Trauma (not the Dario Argento film, though that is cool too)
Dead End

Apologies for any repeats in there...been a long week.


Heres a few on my gut-wrenching list:

Beyond the Limits - Dir: Olaf Ittenbach
Premutos - Dir: Olaf Ittenbach
Ostermontag - Dir: Heiko Fipper
3 Extremes
Visitor Q - Takashi Miike
The Eye - Pang Bros.
Red to Kill - Billy Tang
Dead Alive - Peter Jackson
Hostel - Eli Roth
Natural Born Killers - Oliver Stone
City of the Living Dead aka Gates of Hell - Lucio Fulci
Cat in the Brain - Fulci
High Tension - Alexander Aja
Irreversable - Gasper Noe


Great List!

"Uzamaki" was very unsettling. It takes something ordinary like a spiral and turns it into something deadly!

Speaking of spirals, the camera work in "Irreversible" made my head spin.

Has anyone seen "Strange Circus"? It's from the director of "Suicide Club". That movie was even stranger than "Suicide Club". I've seen "Salo" and "Cannibal Holocaust" and they didn't bother me, but "Strange Circus" really f'ed with my head.

Here's some flicks that freaked me out.

Freaks (1932) Todd Browning (Good Lord! More than 70 years later abd this movie is still creepy)
Santa Sangre (1989) Alejandro Jodorowsky (Kinda like Suspiria gone to the circus)
The Exorcist (1973) (One of the freakiest films ever, and it's based on actual events.
I don't think this would get an R rating today)
Rosemary's Baby (1968) (Polanski is genius)
Subconscious Cruelty (1999) (One of the most creepy. nightmarish and disturbing films I've witnessed)
Eraserhead (1977) David Lynch (That baby is the creepiest thing ever put on film)
Suspiria (1977) (Dario Argento is an artist)
The Devils (1971) Ken Russel (If you watch this, make sure you see it uncut)
Alien (1979) Ridley Scott
Clean Shaven (1994) (Takes you inside the mind of a schizophranic)

Also another film that made me piss myself was a Japanese film called "the Hypnotist" (aka. Saiman)

I think I'm more creeped out by Psychological horror more than anything. Films like "Peeping Tom" and "Lost Highway" make my spine tingle.


Ringu(1998): scared the living crap out of me and I'm not usually frightened by horror films. Just when you think the story is really over and all the loose ends of the plot have been tied; someone dies in the most unexpected and creepiest way possible (I thought). Another bonus is the superb acting which allows you to get to know the characters and relate to them making it even more unsettling when one of them is...well..killed.



El Orphanato [The Orphanage]
Pan's Labyrinth.
