Uzumaki: manga

It's completely free, it's not mine something i found and i think it said somewhere on their site that you tell your frends, fam, etc. so here is the complete three volumes. tml

It's a really great manga, i saw this film a while ago and loved it even though it had some problems. I recently found this browsin google and read it with a couple nights, very intruiging, its in chapters and i'd say there is only one chapter that i'd say is kinda bleh, and it envolves pregnant women, but other than that they are all really cool. ten times better than the movie.

thanks for reading and.....discuss

Trans-oceanic Death to this earth


This is one of my favorite comics. I read it years ago and only got to see the film version a few months ago. My favorite story was the jack-in-the-box one so I was excited that it was included in the film. I was a bit disappointed that the other half of the story wasn't included. I'm not sure about in the original japanese manga but in the english one Mitsuru says "my love for you will stop this car" which made me cry from the ridiculousness of that phrase. I also liked when the Romeo/Juliet type couple snake together and jump into the sea because of its ridiculousness.

I liked the manga ending significanlty more than in the movie. The manga ending was kind of romantic and depressing but the movie ending was the complete opposite. Although it's obvious the manga is a lot better than the movie I still enjoyed the movie. I think I was expecting it to be a lot worse than it actually was and in comparison to the Tomie films (although I've only seen a few) they did a decent job at adapting an Ito story to film.


lol the jack in the box story was creepy. I really liked the last couple chapters of the manga where they get lost in the uzumaki infected forest for years, only to find what the city and it's inhabitants have become, a giant blob of limbs and heads, who were damn good at building.

yea the ending was really good, how shuichi told her to run, and i was suprised she at her answer,for her to just lay down with him in the sea,lol. And yea because i saw the movie before i read the manga i have always liked it.

Another really cool manga that i can't find the last book of is, Dragon Head, its sick, in the awesome way. seriously.

Trans-oceanic Death to this earth


Thank you! I'm going to enjoy reading this!

