double death?

i just watched the movie last night and haven't read the manga, so i'm totally confused about something:

i thought it was mitsuru who flung himself from the top of a spiral staircase and spattered his brains at the bottom because kirie wouldn't be his girlfriend. but no one acted the slightest bit strangely when he showed up again to ask kirie once more to date him, and then flung himself in front of a speeding car.

who was it that killed himself in the stairwell? and if it was mitsuru, why was everyone so casual about him being alive again?


Erm, no, I think that was someone else. Mitsuru was the "Jack in the box" guy who threw himself in front of the car because Kirie wouldn't go out with him (both in the movie and the manga), as you stated correctly. The other person was another student who just looked very similar to Mitsuru and who killed himself a little earlier.
In the manga it's a little clearer. There's this guy who jumps from the roof of the school, and Kirie is shocked but - also surprised - says something like: "Nevertheless, he looks so content." and after that event the thing with Mitsuru happened.
The actors in the movie look all so similar to each other, it's hard to distinguish between them at times.


Yea...The actors really don't look similar to each other. Sure they had the same haircut but hmm not really similar besides that. The police should not rely on you for lineups.

Remakes suck.


I have to agree that I also thought it was Mitsuru who fell down the stairway as well...

"...For every man who has ever lived, in this universe, there shines a star."
-Arthur C. Clarke


So many of the actors look so similar because in Japan, conformity is pretty much an expectation. This is 'especially' true in school and work environments, and the movie spent a large amount of time in the school.

Thus, you see a lot of similar clothing(in the form of uniforms) and hair-cuts.

That said, the facial features of the actors were all pretty distinct. You just had to be paying attention. :-p
