Movie vs Comic...

This Movie was okay... but the fact of the matter for me is that there were only 3 comics, they could have done a better job at depth for this movie... Its was kinda sad, the book made me want to throw up, it was so creepy and strange, this movie, i just laughed at.

Though i must admit, if you have read the comic, The supporting Characters where the best cast out of the whole movie, except the chick who got the curly spiral hair... not so good there. But the students from the science class. Oh my god, wonderful!

But the budget for the movie to do a job that would encompass the scale needed to match some of the best parts in the comic would have been insane... oh well, silly movie at that. Crazy comic.


I should have known this movie was based on a manga. :P

I rented it on a whim along with 5 other Japanese flicks. It wasn't bad, but the lack of story resolution really annoyed me.

You've probably got a better perspective from reading the comic, but I'll defend the curly-haired girl. She was annoying as hell, but I believe that was the point.



It's kinda deceptive to say there were only three comics. Three volumes were released, for a total of nineteen chapters (twenty if you count the 'lost' chapter). That's not exactly three comics, at least from a North American perspective.

Beard Power Limiter RELEASE!!!


Truth. The entire story is over 600 pages long.

Do you realise what you're reading is just my sig?


I adore the Manga, no question, but actually I prefer the simple ending of the movie. What happens in the last few chapters of the 3rd Manga is just too much for me; the spiral-town and -people... I just couldn't handle it... And the ending is too depressing and I'm not satiesfied with it.


I believe this movie was made before the manga was finished, so that's why it's missing a huge chunk of the story and the conclusion is different.

Movies don't create psychos, movies make psychos more creative.


Manga, hands down. I don't even like Manga but it was amazing.


Yes. I am not a manga fan but the Uzumaki manga is spectacular in many many ways. The movie is disappointing in comparison.


In my opinion, the movie wasn't quite as good as the manga. The chapters in the manga, although interconnected, all had clear-cut beginnings and endings, whereas the movie tried to address several of them at once and didn't really expound on them as much as I would've expected.

I have to agree completely with the original poster, though, when it comes to the supporting characters. The characters in the science class were amazing! Katayama, the snail-boy, looked enough like his manga counterpart for me to recognize him straight off, and I actually gaped at the screen when Tsumura, the bully, appeared-- he was really spot-on!


When you make a movie based on something you want to be true to it but at the same time not exactly like it that would be ridiculously boring. You already read the manga why would you want to watch the same exact thing? I loved the manga at the same time I adore the film. I think they made right choices to make it more cinematic. The manga was more literary and visual (though the movie was visual as well obviously with Ito's style).

Remakes suck.


i just got the movie, havent seen it, gonna do that next weekend or so.
i read the manga, so i'm curious how it turns out.

i hope its not like ichi the killer.
at first, i watched the movie.
it was ok.
then i read the manga - awesome.
when watching the movie again, i was like "um... what?"
its like they took every second page form the manga and filmed them. there just seemed to be so much being lost, story-wise, and was kinda confusing sometimes (i often asked myself: why aer they doing that now in the movie? i knew why, but from the viewpoint of someone who hasnt read the manga, things could be confusing...)

anyway, a good movie is a good movie, no matter if its a good adaption of the original or not. i'll just look forward to it.


alright, just watched the movie, and its bad. really bad.

why does it just end in the middle of the story? why is there so much new stuff in it?
i mean, the manga consists of only 3 volumes - they could have perfectly translated that into the movie.


While I think there is a bit too much in the 3 volumes to fit properly into a movie - this movie had a lot of wasted space. Too much exposition, the reporter side story which was unnecessary and uninteresting...they could've done so much more. It's a shame because the comic is phenomenal.


Movie vs comic

Comic wins. Flawless victory.

This is not a case of cropping out the boring parts to make a more compelling experience (like another poster in this topic has said), this is a case of cropping out the COOL parts! It's like they DELIBERATELY said "Oh, wow, this would be cool to see in a movie!" "Yeah, that's exactly why we'll leave it out! Gotta piss off those damn moviegoers!"
And making the movie before the comic was complete did not help either.


why the competition? has any movie based on a book/comic ever been as good as the book? i'm trying to think back and i cant think of a single movie that i thought was better than the book it was based on, it's basically impossible because reading a book is so much more of a gratifying experience than watching a movie, so really if you go into a movie expecting to enjoy it was much as the book, it's the equivalent of making up your mind that you're going to hate the movie before you even watch it, like with this movie, i've never read the manga, so i went in not expecting anything and enjoyed it quite a bit, very creative ideas, very mysterious, the ending was kinda anti-climatic, but other than that, pretty good, for sure considering the low-budget i'm sure it had, so i'll have to make sure not to read the magna and ruin it, lol
