MovieChat Forums > Uzumaki (2000) Discussion > Too much green in the transfer from film...

Too much green in the transfer from film?

I got an Arts Magic copy of the dvd and i have to say its terrible, another poster said it was filmed in interesting washed out colours. I'm not sure what to say but when i say this in the cinema the colours were rich and often warm, the washing machine victim looked like a colourful lollipop, however the dvd is washed out most noticably in the scene where kirie has dinner with her father, its like watching a nature documentary in green night vision. Some of the extras are in proper colour but in the documentary the scenes from the film are also green tinted, but the movie stills gallery is in full colour. Does anyone know what happened and if a more colourful version is available?


I think the green tint is intentional


Our copy was entirely green. I just thought it was some spiral related curse working on the TV.


when you screw with green on film, it also changes how red is seen. the umbrella, the fire alarm at the hospital, the jackets, they all appear different. the green was intentional, but don't forget the red was effected which may have been the director's intent all along.


Uh, I'm not sure what you all are talking about... my copy of the film (the Elite Entertainment version) has perfectly normal looking colors. The only thing I noticed was a VERY slight darkish/greenish tint in SOME scenes that made the movie look like ... pre-thunderstorm.

Other than that, I didn't notice anything wrong. (other than them spelling the director's name as "Higichinsky" on the back of the box....)


my version was normal aswell. strange that people get this "green" version.

In this universe, there's only one absolute... everything freezes!



Thats the style of the film.
The original comic uses the same color palletes. It gices a disturbing feel to the movie. Very artsy.


What? The manga is entirely black and white.
