How gross is it??

I just read the book yesterday and was freaked out!

How many of the death in the book are in the movie?

ECT...the dad-human spiral,the boy wrapped around the car wheel,the zombie jack-in-the-box,the boy the fell from the roof of the school?? Are they all in the movie and do they look real or like cheesy fake B-movie deaths?


Dad-human spiral isn't too bad,

Boy wrapped around the wheel is AWESOME

Jack-in-the-Box doesn't come back as a zombie,

The boy who fell isn't anything special.


Dad-Human Spiral - Not too bad. But, the part leading up to that scene is quite intense and not for the faint of heart.

Jack-In-The-Box - They don't even show it as a zombie.

Boy that fell - It is pretty bloody, but nothing too bad. You can see his brains.

Wrapped around car wheel - EXTREMELY VIOLENT AND GORY! It is so awesome! I almost gagged. It is very cool though!


The movie only covers several of the stories from the comics. There are glimpses of elements from some other ones... the news crew, the snails... but they aren't as developed. The ending of the book... with the hurricanes and the changes to the town... the underground world... are not in the movie.
