Okay a few questions. What exactly do they mean by "spirals?" just normal spirals that you see every few days and the plot is trying to figure out what is behind this new obsession?

Also, is there vomit in this movie? I can't usually handle that sort of thing in the "horror" genre. Comedies yes, though. Silly me.

Also, if I'm interested in this subject, should I look into the mangas or the film first, or both? Or is there a book?


Maybe that's all family really is. A group of people who miss the same imaginary place.


The spirals in the movie are just ordinary spiral patterns that you can see anywhere, such as the pattern on a snails shell and how people are becoming obsessed with these spirals and letting them take over their lives.

There is a short scene where someone vomits and you really don't get to see much.

I've never seen any of the Manga comics, only the film, which I would recommend for anyone to watch. It really freaked me out.


The plot is this: a small fishing town is being changed by spirals. The movie makes it into a metaphor for obsessions, but the manga isn't as hard-core about it.

There's one scene where one woman spews a bit, yes. Very minor.

Watch the movie first, but then read the (superior) mangas. The movie is short, and uses parts of a few stories, but the manga is better all around.



I believe the film was made before the mangas were completed so the order you view/read them in makes no difference. The mangas are amazing, I wish they'd have included the entire row-house part of the story in the film. Then again, they end differently so it might not have worked.

I don't think there is a book. The mangas are 3 volumes. Enjoy!

We've met before, haven't we?
