
I am wondering if someone can elaborate on the centipede in the ear scene.
Is it a centipede or a millipede?
Real or fake?
I haven't seen the movie yet, but my bf has a phobia of centi/millipedes and I want to know more so I know what to tell him.



Since the theme is about spiral, my guest would be a milipede since they just coiled up into a spiral (see spiral)

And the ear part is naturally about spiral also. (the only structure in the human body that is a perfect spiral is the cochlear). Make sense doesn't it?


Yes, that was definitely a real millipede - not a centipede. And in my opinion? It was the scariest part of the whole film.

Here, go creep yourself out.

http://www.key-net.net/users/swb/pet_arthropod/mill.htm (check out the second image!)

As for when - do you mean when does it happen? About halfway through. It's a pretty long scene. Brace yourself.


I wouldn't even go to the link...i'm not very fond of them either!
Is it one of those giant black African ones?


Wait, it goes inside someone's ear? Yummy.

Maybe that's all family really is. A group of people who miss the same imaginary place.


I just went to that link. As I was looking, the rolled up bag of pop'ables next to me lost its sticky tape and sprang open next to my hand. I didn't disgrace myself, but something very near.

I found the idea of what "might" happen in the scene worse than what they actually show. A real millipede nosing around someone's ear, then a fake one being thrown on the floor. It's the idea of what's happening (and the crawly sound effect) that's so revolting.

The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.


I had a pet giant African millipede named Maurice Manylegs. He was really cute. He was about six inches long, and if you held him up to your face, he'd rear up and wave his antennae at you.

Millipedes are totally harmless.

It's centipedes you want to watch out for. Those little boogers bite.


Thats the best pet name I have ever heard!

I sometimes believe up to six impossible things before breakfast


Well if Millipedes and Centipedes freak you out then dont watch Naked Lunch either. I havent seen Uzumaki yet, but after reading the description and all these threads I feel I must! It looks awesome!

Exterminate all rational thought. That is the conclusion I have come to


Saw it...closed my eyes and thought of Nivek Ogre until it was over..lol.
Great film! And YES I am a huge Burroughs fan, but NL was very difficult to watch for me. I nearly lost my fricking leg to a 'pede when I was a kid, and ever since then, cents AND mills, anything with more than 8 legs (arthropods) don't make me happy. Go fig.


Well Im sorry about y0ur bad insect experience. Good to know that youre an industrial fan...Are you going to the RI Industrial Noise Fest next month?

Exterminate all rational thought. That is the conclusion I have come to


I wish. I am with child and newly married.
Pregancy and industrial pits= child being born like "Rubber Johnny" LOL


whoa Naturez lemme get this straight...
both you and your hubby are 'pede phobic?
Wacky... I wonder how your child will turn out. Seriously :o

Hey, I just thought I'd mention that it IS possible to defeat your 'pede phobia. I should know, because I had it bad for 20 years. (Once I nearly jumped out a 3rd floor window because I *thought* I saw a centipede on the floor. Turned out it was a hairball.)

Anyway, step 1: don't hate them. Realize that you're the goofwad for being scared.

step 2: read about them (no pictures yet) and realize how friggin cool they are. How millipedes/centipedes contribute to the planet more than any human ever will.

step 3: slowly start to look at pictures (encyclopedias, biology books, etc) to desensitize yourself

step 4: spend some time out in the garden observing them. they're actually freakin cool as hell.

And there you have it. You're ready to invite a centipede to dinner. Maybe dancing afterwards. Heh. Anyway, sorry about the ramble. It's just so rare that I hear about people who suffer from the same phobia. Cheers & good luck.

P.S. WHATEVER YOU DO, don't show your child how terrified you are of 'pedes. That's what "infected" me at a young age... seeing how freaked out my mom got about caterpillars. Phobias are passed on by observation. You can save your kid a lifetime of anxiety if you try to keep it quiet!


Nah, my hubbie isn't afraid of anything.
Thanks for the advice though...I totally hear you.
When I was taking care of a friend's kid he was all into worms
and picking them up /waving them around.
It didn't think it was so great (mildly icky), but I didn't want my attitude
to "infect" him or make him have less fun with worms!
We're a hardcore animal people and hope our child will love animals as much
as we do. Maybe my kid can show me the way regarding bugs.
How cool would that be? ^_^

*edited to say: I know how cool and amazing those bugs are and what a dork I am for having a "crossed wire" about them.
It's not over yet!



OMG i just rented naked lunch!

"I'm gonna give you a little somethin' you can't take off. "
