MovieChat Forums > The Secret of Monkey Island Discussion > Monkey Island: The High School Play

Monkey Island: The High School Play

Evidently, some enterprising students at a Maryland high school adapted SoMI into a play. It was camcordered, captioned, and put onto Google Videos. Unfortunately, I can't say I'm happy with the results. It was a valiant effort, and some of the performances and adaptations were great, but it IS a high school effort, and some of the performances, especially the girls, were BAD. Like, I'd rather put LeChuck's underwear on my head and breathe deeply BAD.
However, the Indian girl playing Voodoo Lady seemed to please the crowd.

Anybody already see this?

Look behind you! A THREE-headed monkey!!!!!!


Yeah, but the guy playing Guybrush was really good. He had that "I don't wan't to do anything" felling, like Guybrush in the first game :D


I saw it, it was horrendous.


Aw c'mon, it wasn't that bad!

Both Guybrush and LeChuck were very well acted I thought.

Considering that it was just the guy that played LeChuck that directed and got the copyrights sorted for the play to go ahead, and also that NONE of the other cast were even aware of the Monkey Island games' existence, I think they did an alright job.


No. LeChuck was a kid trying to look like Captain Jack Sparrow (Ive even seen a school production of Oliver! where Bill Sykes looks like Jack Sparrow, its silly).

It was badly acted, consisted of Guybrush running into a scene and going "HEY!", then running to another scene, all in silence, it just was a bit terrible.

A true big stage version would be amazing though, maybe a musical, bwahah!


Agreed. A musical stage version would be fantastic.

*secretly thinks that if that happened there could be a future possibility of a film*

Yes. I'm thinking along the lines of Cannibal! The Musical. (great film if you haven't seen it)
