
Anyone else think they should record voices to Monkey Island 1 & 2 and re-release them, They don't need to change the graphics just add voices.



Hell no!

It would just be wrong. So very, very wrong. It was the bad 80's graphics and no sound except the soundtrack, that carried the first two games.

That's not to say I wouldn't play them if they did :P I just don't think it'd be quite right. Like Pulp Fiction said, they'd HAVE to re-do the graphics in order for them to be half decent. (Definately MI3; MI4's graphics were just terrible)


MI3;s graphics were cartoony and awesome...then they tried to go all 3d and it just didnt suit it. the gameplay was bad.

i still loved the game because i am a loyal fan of MI but, bring back the MI3 graphics, that game kicked ass!


I think they were fine.

Last movie I saw: Before Sunset - 9/10




I don't think anyone has ever made a scumm-like game using GameMaker. I once considered it, but it would be way too hard for me. :)

Good luck on your remake.


Good luck, keep up the dedication. There is a damn fine MI1 comic here

and if anyone knows the person who is making it, tell them to hurry up and make summore 'cos they're great. I'd luv to see a MI comicbook, now that 4 of them have been made you can fill the first three with foreward nodding references, making it even funnier.


I don't think Vink is still working on the comic. Let's just consider the April 1st page to be the end of the comic.


there where a few sfx....the cannon being fired in the circus, errrr.....trying to think of others....

the coin falling down in the drinks machine......

but to even CONSIDER remaking MI is an outrage, sorry, it is still so much fun to play, and remaking it would only mean you cant see past, to be fair, dated graphics to the fantastic humour and actually good storyline!!

people like that dont deserve air to breath

immaturity and your life is alot like wine, the older it gets, the more it costs you


I thought the look of MI3 right off the bat made guybrush look like a TOTAL GEEK. Not sympathetic at all. in 1 he was a boy, and in 2 he was a poser. He even kind of looked like W axl Rose in the 2nd one... I think part of the joke was that he looked kind of cool on the surface, but was still a total dork. Then in the cartoon, they made him all gangly...just took the whole thing away for me. The basic VGA? graphics and the subtitles allowed the game to be what it was - i agree with above. I didn't care what Guybrush sounded like, and in MI3 he sounded like how Wally should have...poor choices.


I agree bubbleraft. I even think guybrush looked better in the 4th one. The 3rd one gets too much praise.
