MovieChat Forums > The Secret of Monkey Island Discussion > What be yer favourite quote(s) ya salty ...

What be yer favourite quote(s) ya salty seadogs!

I'm mainly talking about the 1st two games which I love so much I will be taking a copy of each to my grave. I've been playing on them since they were released - not continuously mind you, I'm not some kind of barnacle brain. I have never got round to playing the sequels though, but intend to buy them sometime. What do you think of these games & did you play them before the 2 originals?

If you wanna skip that waffle, please tell me your favourite quote from the first two games. This is mine.

"How appropriate, you fight like a cow!"

Thanks ya scury-ridden sea serpents!

P.S. Tell me yer favourite scene/moment as well if ye like, though there are so many. Two of mine would be;

Monkey 1 - When you repeatedly escape the cannibals and security is increased to futuristic standards.

"How you keep escaping is almost as big a mystery as why you keep coming back."

Monkey 2 - If you get the fish before talking with the fisherman, you can pretend to drop your line ("Plunk!") and catch the fish while standing right next to him!

One more (the best);

LeChuck: I... am your brother!
Guybrush Threepwood: No! No, that's not true!
LeChuck: Search your feelings, you KNOW it to be true!
Guybrush Threepwood: Noooooooooooooooooooo!

YES! The ending for Monkey 2 is without a doubt the greatest ever.

One thing I would like is a Monkey Island t-shirt, that would be cool!

So long mutinous dogs!


I like in the third one where you're fighting Rottingham and he says "Never before have I seen such clumsy swordplay." Then one of the wrong answers is "My brother is writing a screenplay."

All your base are belong to us


in the 1st monkey island, i think the little romance scene between Guybrush and Elaine is funny
Also the 2nd one where you have to try and win Elaine over again, while wearing a dress

No survivors? Then where do the stories come from, I wonder?



Hi im new on your forums.
I got into monkey island just a year ago.
I played them all now stop all year and beat 1-4

The Curse of Monkey Island is full of funny quotes.When you meet with the vodoo laddy.One of my favorite quotes from Monkey Island (mi-3} is when you use the vaqulitist book with slappy cromwell and it says you stink get off of the stage!I love the Sam and max easter egg.
Or when in mi-3 when your on blood island and if you try to pick Elaine up when shes stone...No offense ELaine but shes way too heavy for me to pick up.
Murry is just awesome at everything he says.
Another mi-3 your about as scary as a doorstop."guybrush to murray"
" it an evil doorstop!?"Guybrush..nevermind."

Or in Mi-2 when you take wallys eye glass.

Mi-4 heres a great quote in my opion..IN THE VODOO shop on mele island if you try to pick up something in there..i don't remeber what it is i think its a hand..Guybrush will say "there are very few hands that i want in my pants."

Mi-2 somthing to this effect been awhile since ive played but i can reference it..
mommy and daddy guybrush: "so did you two behave?"
"he tried to kill me"
"he caused 2 major explosions."
I love mi-2's ending .
"the head bone is conencted to the elbow.."{in fornt of tree in mi-2 when guybrush is knocked out.) (two parents of guybrush skeletons)Or at the end of Mi-2 (missing parents, and below is the 2 skeletons of the 2 parents}

Mi-3 LEchuck"It's a great day to be dead!"
Mi-3 Diggy Dog..I love that part of the game near the end of mi-3 where you keep pushing Diggy DOg until he turns violent on you.

Mi-1 I can hold my breathe for 10 minutes.
Something to this effect{after finding the treasure on mele to become a pirate}
"I came to mele island and all i got was this crummy t-shirt."
MI-one this quote is used often.."that's the second biggest monkey head Ive ever seen."

Ive only played the mi games each once but im now tempted to go play them more.
Mi-one trails pirate speach..
"grog!" "grog!"


When Herman cant remember thigns in Mi-4 and you throw things at his head.Great part of that game.


"That sounds like something my husband would say."

"I think you've got a little attitude problem."
-"And I think you've got a little hair problem."
"You just don't know when to stop."
-"Obviously neither did your barber."


"It's Coily's army of darkness, look!" - mst3k


Haha, that barber quote did indeed make me chuckle.


Murray is so awesome.



"That's odd, I didn't hear a splash..."


I have played all the games in chronological order - while one and two and even EMI are fantastic, without doubt the favourite is CoMI - the graphics, storyline, characters and gameplay - all are superior to the other games.

favourite part of CMI:

murray on the pole in the swamp and guybrush's discussion with him.

Cabana boy rocks too.

and of course the convo with king andre:

"Vangoderfaschenson. Jethro Vangoderfaschenson."


When you say to the cannibals "Look behind you, a three headed monkey", they look behind and there's nothing there. Then a three headed monkey comes out and you say "look behind you" again and they say they're not going to fall for that.


Quote? I don't know, but by far my favourite bit of the series is peeling the map from Palido's back in MI3! I love the noise!


Im not quite sure why....but, i luv

Im selling these fine leather jackets.

Choose your Future; Choose life.


That was actually a quote from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Indy used it again in Fate of Atlantis.

Look behind you! A THREE-headed monkey!!!!!!


monkey three was fantastic right up until the final part - guybrush kicks butt - as soon as you get on that rollercoaster, its all downhill

also - marrying elaine and guybrush... a bad move on lucasarts part - half the fun of the series was the will-they wont they element - ie everytime guybrush was in there, he did something to muck it up again.

ps was it just me, or did anyone else want to see more of kate capsize in the 3 and 4? i thought she was a great character and would loved to have seen her in MI3s 2-3D - i always thought of her as a possible rival of elaines. Fingers crossed for mI5...


"Look behind you! A three-headed monkey!"
Need I say more

I don't remember that many scenes since I haven't played them since I was a kid. But if I would choose any of the one's I do remember it would be:

LeChuck: I... am your brother!
Guybrush Threepwood: No! No, that's not true!
LeChuck: Search your feelings, you KNOW it to be true!
Guybrush Threepwood: Noooooooooooooooooooo!

That is one of the best endings ever, maybe even the best.

That's my 2 öre

"Vad jag gör? Tömmer fickorna på dig." - Roger Häll (Stefan Sauk), I Lagens Namn


Monkey Island 1

Guy in prison cell: "You've gotta help me, im a victim of society"
Guybrush: Not to mention Halitosis"

Monkey Island 2

You may not have all seen this line, as it only happens if you select 'look at' and click on the wooden chest in Elaines room. Do that and Guybrush will say

"its is impolite to stare at a womans chest"

Also, i love that whole:

"how much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood"

debate with the carpenter.

"What? The Curtains?"



