question about the end.

I have a question about the end of this movie. Ok, I was wondering about the scene at the end where Lady Wu is standing in the open field with the orphan children. She asks the children "Ok children, what are your names that Father Andre has given you?" The camera pans over as each child yells out his or her own name, except for one, a little boy. The boy then runs up to Lady Wu and says, "I don't know my name." and Lady Wu embraces him and says, "Love". It struck me to hear her say that because the little boy seemed like he was too young to have remembered Father Andre and I was wondering, is Father Andre the little boys' biological father? The scene did take place after the fact that Andre and Lady Wu made love. Did they conceive a child together? If so, the boy would have been born after the fact that Father Andre was killed, so the boy wouldn't have remembered his father. And, Lady Wu named the boy Love, maybe because the little was conceived out of love, the love she felt for Andre. Is this true? Please if anyone has read the book or seen the movie enough times, could you please clear this up for me.


I think the little boy was the biological son of Lady Wu and Andre. When the child runs up to Lady Wu, he says, "Mother, I have no name" to which she responds love.


Thanks golightly368, now the ending makes more centes. It also explains a lot about other scenes in the movie. Like the scene at the Mother-in-law's funeral. Lady Wu, her son, and other members of the family were circaling around a rotating thing, i don't know what it was but it was some kind of Buddist ceremonyal thing that they use for funerals. Anyway, they were going around the thing and then Father Andre steps into the room and the son gives him a cold glance and Lady Wu appears nervice. Now at first I thought the son was just pissed off at his teacher for sleeping with his mother and Wu was nervice because now her feelings were stronger for Andre after they had sex and all and she didn't want to look at him during her mother-in-law's funeral. But now that you confirmed that the little boy at the end of the movie was the biological son of Wu and Andre, then Wu's older son must have been pissed at Andre for getting his mother pregnet while she still was married to his father and Lady Wu was nervice becasue she didn't know if she should tell Andre the news or not. Maybe that was the reason she cried out "NO!" when she found Andre amoung the dead at the foot of the bridge, not just because he was dead and she loved him so much but because she never got the chance to tell him that she was carring his child.


At least in the version that I saw, it said very clearly at the beginning of the last scene: "3 years later."
That makes it 3 years after André died. That wouldn't have been enough time for this boy to grow to his height/age; he was clearly much older.

My explanation is that Mme Wu had spent those past 3 years somewhere and now returned to take care of the orphanage. The nameless boy was a recent addition and had not been given a name yet. Just a reminder: the second wife still had no real name when she arrived at the house at the age of about 16. And she had been an orphan, too. Maybe it was custom at that time and place that an orphaned child would only be given a real name by somebody who cared about them.


I have to admite the kid looked a little bit like Dafoe. I mean inter-raced children of asian and culcasion parents can turn out to look a little more asian then white.


He was concieved, but she would not have learned about the pregnancy till after Andrea died. He was the product of love, and he looked like a child of both anglo and chinese ethnicities.

I wish I could join the Navy!


Ok Thanks


To me the child clearly looked too old to be Andre's and Madam Wu's baby. He called her 'mother' because all children in the orphanage do, just like they called Andre 'father'.

Although I like the thought of Madam Wu and Andre having a child together, I really don't think that's what the scene implies. Let's not read too much into it...


I agree that the boy was not Andre and Madam Wu's child. I think he looked too old, and I would hope that if he was Madam Wu's son, she would have given him a name before that scene.


I think it was spose to be their kid ... as indicated by the ghost of Andre when the kid ran up to her.. but come on.. if they can't find kids to play the orphans 3 years later.. how would they find a kid to be their son... that movie sucked so bad....
