Lament for German Aircraft

While I love the Spitfire and the Mustang, it makes me very sad that we cannot see the 190 and the 109 with the same frequency. Of course it was a good thing that the allies won the war but I just wish we hadn't scrapped so many of the few remaining German fighters, so that, instead of those lame-o Spanish 109s we could see some real ones! Just a thought, and this board needs more activity anyways!

"It is time to get ill. In fact, Frodo Baggins, it is always time to get ill."


There's nothing wrong with the Spanish-built Me109. IT's my favourite of all the '109 variants, and I'm a Spitfire-nut myself!

As it happens, there are several FW190 projects on the go, including the famous FlugWerke new-build examples, the first of which is due to fly quite soon with any luck. There is an original '190D-13 being restored and a D-9 has recently gone on the British register, along with a Ju87 Stuka.

Also, if it weren't for the Spanish-built '109 (and Heinkels) then neither Battle of Britain or Dark Blue World would be around now....


Oh, I forgot.

Apart from the fact that there are hardly any '109s around, or that their engines are troublesome and spares hard to come by, then maybe we'd have a few more genuine Me109s flying around instead of just one...


I am fully appreciative of the Spanish aircraft and the roles they played in Battle of Britain and Dark Blue World. I would much prefer to see the real though.
I would have to say that the 109-G is my favorite variant of the 109. It is cool, however, the Spanish version resembles a shark in some ways.
As for the Spitfire, nothing sends my heart soaring like that little Merlin powered airplane; truely it is a symbol of freedom, defiance, power and beauty!! Variaty is a good thing, though.
I was aware of the 190s being rebuilt, I doubt they will be flown too often because of their rarety, especially the D-13. I take it that you are aware of the Me-262 project?

"Inappropriate discussions may be deleted or moved."...If only it were true



The Me262 has recently reflown after repair following its accident at the start of the year :o)



Hi megatwingo!

From what I can remember, the 262 ran off the runway and into a rough area to one side of the tarmac - the undercarriage was pushed through the port wing and there was some other damage which took some time to fix. All good now, though, and there are pictures somewhere, too!

In case you didn't already know, the first of the new-build FW190s flew on Thursday! :o)







