MovieChat Forums > The Vagina Monologues (2007) Discussion > Differnce between porn and theater pres...

Differnce between porn and theater presenations of Vagina Monologues?

A government grant.




You're watching the wrong porn.... or you haven't seen the Vagina Monologues


If porn is your thing and yours looks like the vagina monologues, you're watching some boring porn.

"Ma coeur et sa coeur toujours!"

~Remy, X-Treme X-Men #10~


Pornography. n
'A graphic depiction without artistic merit'

"Won't you have some cake, Father? It's got cocaine in it. '


i have watched porn. and saw the last half of vagina monlogues. what crazy porn are you watching?

i totally thought this show had merit.

rev pete


Which would pretty much be the opposite of the Vagina Monologues.

"Ma coeur et sa coeur toujours!"

~Remy, X-Treme X-Men #10~


Most porn has artistic merit and it is a visual depiction and documentation of God's wish that man and woman cleave and become one flesh, and make a joyful noise to the Lord.


Keep in mind "artistic merit" is a subjective idea.


"People don't bug me till they get teeth." (House, M.D.)


Honest question, maxzorin2000: Have you ever seen the play before?




"she's inside me, I'm inside me, wow!"

"I bounced I landed, I landed I bounced. Then I came into my muscles, my blood cells, then I slid into my vagina."


Porn is exploitative and promotes violence against women. The Vagina Monologues is about knowing your body and reclaiming womanhood.



How dare you say such a thing. Porn is meant for sexual pleasure. The Vagina Monologues is a play that is meant to empower women and to raise money for women who have been sexually assaulted and rape.
The fact that you say that the only difference between porn and the monologues is a government grant........That is a childish excuse to make yourself feel better about who you are. I sorry that you have to be that way.

~Go Vaginas~

If money is the root of all evil, then why do churches want it?


I sorry too.


Wow! I guess I've starred in a porno then. Seeing as I was playing a fully clothed 80 year old virgin who can barely even talk about sex, I find that pretty amusing.
